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Did I Get Slammed?


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I went to service a location today and to my surprise there is a Oak double head candy machine sitting next to my gumball machine. The people at the location know nothing about these 2 machines. There isn't a phone number, a charity sticker or anything on it, just a double head sitting there. It is at a Payday Loan place, I don't want to stereotype, make your own conclusions on their clientele. When I first set this location I used a Oak, if you try and Jip the machine the machine Jip's you and keeps your penny, nickel and from time to time a DIME! Pun intended. With that being said every couple of months I would have a service call for mis-vends. So I put a NW Super 60 in there and no more mis-vends.

What do I do when I get a service call for the other machines? And I will get one. 

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Be honest, describe your machine and whats in it.  The location will get sick of people complaining about the other machine before long.  Heck with no number/ information on it, it might belong to an employee.  They see you pulling money out and think they can make it rich with a machine of their own.

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