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New start up

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Hello every one im just getting into vending and have a few questions

Whats the best way to start snack boxes or charity boxes

Im in the tampa fl area and wondering if there are any good locators in the area

Only wanna start with 5 boxes as an experiment and see where it goes any advice would be great thanks

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Welcome to the business and to the forum!

Since you are just starting out with a few boxes (5), may I suggest placing the boxes yourself.  In all reality, YOU are the best locator for your company.  Start by approaching small offices, banks, beauty salons, any business too small for vending.  If you are selling Honor Snack tray, then you want to place the box in their breakroom or office, NO PUBLIC areas.  Try to stay in a small area of town, say one square mile, and then slowly spread out from there.  Place the boxes on a trial basis, and go from there.  YOU will be the best representative for your business.  Locators are fine when you want to seek some growth, though I still believe in placing the boxes yourself.  You can purchase boxes from Sheridan systems and pick up your inventory from a Club Store like Sam's club or Costco.  There is much more involved in this business and I would be glad to answer any questions for you, but my FIRST suggestion would be to place your 5 "start-up" boxes yourself.  Save the money of paying a locator.  You may find out that the honor snack business is not right for you, and there is no need to spend the $$$ on a locator right now.  I wish you the BEST of luck and GREAT success!  :)

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Thanks for replying  ive talked to freinds and family about this new buissness im trying every one say im crazy it will never work MOTIVATION MOTIVATION. I cant wait to prove em wrong lol. What items do u suggest that will sell but still make a decent profit 

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  • 1 month later...

Hey Candyman,  sorry I missed this response.  I run the Honor Snack trays, and would suggest LSS Chips, candy bars, M&M's, Skittles...etc., sleeve Cookies such as Oreos or Lorna Doones, and some 2 oz. bag cookies like Famous Amos.  All of this can be purchased at the club stores like Sam's Club or Costco.  Candy should run you no more than 65 cents/unit, while chips should be in the 30-40 cent range.  I would start your pricing out at $1.25, since the market is heading that way.  I hope this info isn't too late.  Good luck to you!  :) 

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