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Vending Software Essentials


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I have moved this topic into the bulk section for better visibility. Please submit your review of the demo after your 30 day demo is over. I am looking forward to reading your impressions of this software.


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Admittedly, I am not a computer genius.  I have had problems with two demos now.  There is a Vendmax EZ Money software program as well as the SoftEssentials program.  I will post more as I find out more. I know the softessential program is $300 and the EZ Money program is $200.  They are both windows based. And they do work with bulk vending business'.  There is an Antares software program but from the looks of it it seems more for snack and soda machine vending.



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Vendmax EZ Money software program is Vending Magic 5.0 as far as I can tell. In my software review I stated it was not worth the $60.00 that I paid for it on Ebay, so I dont believe it is worth the two hundred dollars.

Vending essential intrigues me but I have not spent alot of time on the demo, but it does seem more like a real program then Vending magic. (better flow, more professional) also it is for full line vending.


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I have been looking at Vend-Trak for a few months now but have been unable to sign up. The site kept giving me an error message when I attempt to sign up.

It appears to be a good program if I can ever get in.


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Piece of cake to learn and everything you need for tracking is there. I've been giving them feedback for issues and suggestions for new stuff and they are always happy to hear them. nice folks to work with. The next version is supposed to be dynamite but this version is great so can't wait to see what the next is like. Good luck.

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Wow, I just tried to register again and I came up with "Username already taken" That prompted me to try to log in using the credentials I tried to sign up with the last time and BAM! I'M IN! I had an account and didn't even know it.


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Vendmax EZ Money software program is Vending Magic 5.0 as far as I can tell. In my software review I stated it was not worth the $60.00 that I paid for it on Ebay, so I dont believe it is worth the two hundred dollars.

Vending essential intrigues me but I have not spent alot of time on the demo, but it does seem more like a real program then Vending magic. (better flow, more professional) also it is for full line vending.


I am done trying to figure these two programs out. ( SoftEssentials and Vendmax EZ Money ) I had too many problems with the demos. This other one mentioned today ( VendTrak ) has my interest.  It's pricey ( $239 to sign up and then $50 each year ) but if I am going to get into this business with a few hundred machines etc, I will need something like this for sure IMO.
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If everyone can hold off, I am in the process of getting my web based tool up! It will be far less then what vend-trak is offering, especially if you are a forum member with vendiscuss! Lastly, I just checked out that application and I believe mine will be much much better!

I am going to work out with Caserri what type of discounts for forum members, but you will get a great product plus the opportunity to experience upgrades at no cost!

I'm working on this thing on a daily basis, but I would hate to see you fork out all that money for vend-trak and realize you could have saved yourself money by waiting just a little bit.

I am also exploring rolling my product out with basic features then adding things as they get finished which would mean weekly you would see new things added. I have great ideas for my product, and I think everyone will enjoy it. I use it for my business and I couldn't be happier!

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I guess the only thing that concerns me about web based programs like this is knowing how secure my company data is. Will they sell my information? Will they use my location or finanacial data in an inappropriate way? If I end my subscription, is my information destroyed or used in any way? I'm curious about privacy protection for my data and would want reassurance before I store my info online.



That being said the software looks very user friendly and has all the features I would want.!

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I actually have a privacy policy being written up where you will know your information will not be used or sold to any 3rd party companies. Lastly, in regards to ending your subscription and your data, I have a couple of options being thrown around but right now you will be able to export all your data to Excel. Once you end your subscription thgouh due to space limitations your data will be archived.

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  • 2 weeks later...

T Bird,

I am the founder of Vend-Trak and I have been watching this post for a couple of weeks, but I have held off a reply until now.  As gemstate mentioned, we have a new version coming.  Well, it just launched the other day!  I welcome you to try it out (see below for the VENDiscuss special).

There are some issues I'd like to address...

First and foremost, the price.  Until a few days ago, I was locked into an agreement that required my web price be set at $239.95.  When we first launched, this was the price that some ad hoc market research determined the market would bear.  Well, Brando is right – that is a little excessive.  I’m happy to be released from the agreement now.  The web price has been cut by about half to $129.99.  However, we are offering an even lower price for VENDiscuss members – just $49.95 after the two month free trial.  To get this deal, just go to http://www.vend-trak.com and enter the Keycode “vendiscuss†and create the account.  Baxson was correct when he said that “…you could have saved yourself money by waiting just a little bit.† The two-month trial is no obligation – you only pay if you find it useful and want to continue your membership.

Second concern to address, privacy.  Our privacy policy is basically this – information provided to Vend-Trak stays at Vend-Trak.  Period.  We don’t sell or share anything with any third party.  In my opinion that’s a crummy way to make a quick buck, but more importantly it’s a crummy way to treat a customer.

Lastly, the question of security.  All accounts are protected with a username and a password.  As long as your username and password aren’t compromised, then your information is secure.  Vend-Trak does allow you to have multiple users for every account.  You can set the permission levels for each user to allow (or not allow) certain capabilities.  Also on security, we do not do any payment processing on our site.  We use Paypal’s secure payment gateway to process all transactions.  It costs a little more for us to do this, but it should give our users peace of mind that no credit/financial information is stored or processed on our site.  The most sensitive information saved on your account is your name, address, and email (and to be honest, you can put “fake†information in these fields – it just diminishes our ability to contact you with announcements).

Finally, there is a forum in VENDiscuss called VENDiscuss Special Buys that has been started.  I will post this deal in that forum and take any other questions or concerns you might have there.

As always...Happy Vending!


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Jeremy.........thanks!  I am gonna try your product.  Hopefully I will be able to navigate myself around and through the software program.  If I have questions, who and how do I ask?

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My concern with being web based is that the routes would be confidential. I see from the privacy policy that it shouldnt be a concern. My only other concern is that since it is web based if there is ever problems with their servers we wouldnt have access to our info. Has anyone that uses it ever noticed down time?




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Jeremy.........thanks!  I am gonna try your product.  Hopefully I will be able to navigate myself around and through the software program.  If I have questions, who and how do I ask?


You can post any questions or concerns about this product in this forum...



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WEll........I signed up for VendTrak just now.  As I went thru the various functions of data it takes and stores, this application/program is the simplest one I have seen.  The others, as I sifted thru them, were more difficult for me.  I know NOTHING about spreadsheets.  I don't know how to utilize them or create them......nothing. The way it seems with VendTrak is all I have to do is enter the data it asks for and boom......it's done.  I guess I will find out when I place these 7 machines that are on their way to me.............. Posted Image 

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