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1800 vending revenue calculator


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I was just checking out the revenue calculator on the 1800 site. Take a look at the figures it gave me when I entered just 1 machine that will empty in 30 days!

I wish I made that much from my machines every 30 days! :shock:


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Thats just the thing Lucero. If you entered 1 machine that empties in 1 day it will give you a figure of $300.00 per day. That calculates out to 1,200 vends per day OR 1,200 vends to empty the machine.

If the sales department is telling people that the typical time to empty a machine is 8 weeks that means the machine will have to vend 21 vends per day to empty in 8 weeks. Thats where the BS comes in. 2 vends per day is typical in this business.

 Dont get me wrong, I have heard that 1800 makes a quality machine. I'm not disputing that, but their sales tactics are a bit suspect.



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Thats just the thing Lucero. If you entered 1 machine that empties in 1 day it will give you a figure of $300.00 per day. That calculates out to 1,200 vends per day OR 1,200 vends to empty the machine.

If the sales department is telling people that the typical time to empty a machine is 8 weeks that means the machine will have to vend 21 vends per day to empty in 8 weeks. Thats where the BS comes in. 2 vends per day is typical in this business.

 Dont get me wrong, I have heard that 1800 makes a quality machine. I'm not disputing that, but their sales tactics are a bit suspect.



Err... I was being funny? :)

/Although, not about the sales rep.  He really did tell me that.

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I'm working with 1.800 currently and they never told me any of that information.  They have been very realistic with me.  I was given an average of 3-6 months turn time.  If I follow your logic of saying 2 vends per day.  2x30=60 vends a month.  1200 vends a machine divided by 60 vends a month would take 20 months.  Seems quite extreme.  Now I'm not in the business yet but all my research thus far does not show or compute to taking 20 months to empty a full machine (if started with full in theory but wouldn't due to spoilage).  That would be a lousy location by what I have found in my research.  Comes out to only $15 a month.

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I'm working with 1.800 currently and they never told me any of that information.  They have been very realistic with me.  I was given an average of 3-6 months turn time.  If I follow your logic of saying 2 vends per day.  2x30=60 vends a month.  1200 vends a machine divided by 60 vends a month would take 20 months.  Seems quite extreme.  Now I'm not in the business yet but all my research thus far does not show or compute to taking 20 months to empty a full machine (if started with full in theory but wouldn't due to spoilage).  That would be a lousy location by what I have found in my research.  Comes out to only $15 a month.

BP, welcome to the forum :)  If you check out the national numbers, the average for a single-head machine is $7.50 a month.  Once you get PLUS status here (10 posts), you'll have access to a lot of vendor's numbers.  Most people are doing $12-25 bucks a location, with single and double heads.  Twenty bucks, 80 vends a month, a bit over 2 vends a day, but probably not on a per-head basis.  Some people do have kick-golpher locations that due $30+ a month on a single head, but that's a rarity.   Check out the keyword 1-800 and 1800 for the search box on the site, and see what some of the folks are saying.

/I originally was talking to 1-800

//After my research here and elsewhere, I ended up buying Seaga Millenias

///I emailed the 1-800 rep to let him know I wouldn't be looking at their machines because of the exorbitent price... he told me 'I'm sorry to hear you're building your business on cheap machines.", and went on for about two pages telling me in not-so-polite terms that I am a screwup for not buying 1-800

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Welcome to the boards BP!

I'm glad you found us. when you say you are working with 1800, does that mean you have purchased through them or are planning to?


That would be a lousy location by what I have found in my research.  Comes out to only $15 a month.


To be honest, I would be very happy if I averaged $15 a month from my locations. Yes I have some that do more but when its all averaged out it comes to less. Your thoughts of $15 a month as being lousy reflect what companies like 1800 try to instill in everyone. They would like you to believe that buying into their system will somehow earn you more than the industry average. Simply not so. Your average will be in line with everyone else regardless of where you purchase your machines.



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I have looked at the other posts and have been reading on here.  It doesn't take long to figure out who has and gives good information and who doesn't.  I have found good info on here that as been part of my research and decision but I have also seen some pretty poor info or advise on here as well.  Which is to be expected on a open forum.

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with them.  Mine thus far has been more than could have expected.  As long as your happy with your purchase and ultimatley making money then great for you.  That is what it's all about.  Everyone has there preference, which is also clearly visable on here but looking specific tips about the business that can help my learning curve.  But thanks for the info and your experience.

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I have looked at the other posts and have been reading on here.  It doesn't take long to figure out who has and gives good information and who doesn't.  I have found good info on here that as been part of my research and decision but I have also seen some pretty poor info or advise on here as well.  Which is to be expected on a open forum.

Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with them.  Mine thus far has been more than could have expected.  As long as your happy with your purchase and ultimatley making money then great for you.  That is what it's all about.  Everyone has there preference, which is also clearly visable on here but looking specific tips about the business that can help my learning curve.  But thanks for the info and your experience.

You're welcome.  Perhaps I just got a 'bad apple' at the company.  I look forward to you sharing yours after you purchase your machines, whatever the brand. :)
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Finalizing details today.  My research has included information outside of 1.800.   Like any business they will present their business in the best light and need to get open and hopefully unbiased information.  That is why when I given this forum I did read almost all the posts on here pertaining to the different companies and to bulk vending.  I was able to compare different peoples input and the varying sources data.  Yes, I understand that some locations will be on the low end and make 10-15 dollars and could on the rare side have machines that do bring in 200 dollars a month.  Surely not basing my forecast or expectations on 200.  I try to error on the bad end to see if the numbers will work for me and still be profitable.  I over estimate the candy cost, the time to empty or turns, the actual amount that could be collect etc.  If I have done that then if I do hit national averages I should be doing pretty good and be very happy.  Besides, I am a very analytical and logical person.  I love numbers and look at the average.  As was advise by someone, that once you get into the business you manage your lower 10% machines to see if you can bring there profits up or change product or maybe ultimately move them depending on your must have level and if comfortable leaving the machine there.

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I assume that you did your due diligence when investigating this business. The most important thing is you are taking the step, what ever machine you decide to purchase, and I commend you for that. I sincerely hope that buying direct from 1800 will give you your anticipated returns. It will be refreshing to hear a positive story about the company instead of just their machines.

I hope that once you recieve your machines and have them out for a few months you will give us your opinion. I will be very interested in hearing your experiences.

Best of luck to you!


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Black Panther, I really like the look of 1-800's, but after breaking down the costs of each unit, I decided to pass.  The machines are expensive, and will take much longer to repay yourself back.  Keep in mind, your customers pay for the product, not the machines.  In other words, as long as the machine is presentable, it doesn't matter what kind of machine you have, it all falls on the product, as well as the location.

I have triples as well, and have personally found that the best locations for these are employee breakrooms.  But then, the employee base must be fairly large in order to handle these machines.  You should have limited issues obtaining $10 per side for a grand total of $30 a month, but you will find that you will have 1 or 2 sides that will empty quick, but rarely are all 3 sides equal.  In any case, I have 1 breakroom that doubles this number, but I believe that's a rarity.

One thing that I have learned though, and not from just 1-800 vending.  Companies are interested in selling their machines, not getting you into business.  Sure they want repeat business, but they also understand that once you get your feet wet, and you stay in the business, you will probably find cheaper alternatives.  At roughly $300 per machine, it will take about a year to pay off the equipment.  Likewise, other comparable equipment will take about 1/3 the time, thus allowing you to expand at a much faster rate, thus making more money overall.

I'm a newbie as well, and I don't have that many answers, but one thing I do know for sure, is customers want the product, and they don't care how much you bought the machines for.....In this business, every penny ( or quarter) counts.

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I hate to be cynical, but then again maybe I don't. I have paid an average of $122  for my triples, 35 were new, the rest were bought off CL from people giving up. The more folks who spend $300 per machine and realize they have been scammed by the biz op slicksters the more opportunity I have to give them $50 per machine later on. I think you should buy a truck load of 1-800's. I'll see you in about 6 months, $50 for each triple.



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Steve / Vendingguy

Thanks and I will keep posted as I progress along this venture.  I feel I have done my due diligence or hope I have done well in doing so. 

Yes machines are important but until looking into this business I wouldn't have know the difference between them.  So, I feel that as a possible customer is looking at a machine, they won't necessarily know either and are looking at the product mainly.  Do they want M&M's or are they hungry for skittles or just a piece of gum.  All the same to them.  As a business owner and having repair/replacement cost is where it comes into play.  There is some appearance level but don't feel it is that drastic in this business other than the cleanliness of your machines.  So I agree with your comments and have considered them already in my analysis.  I'm not paying $300 a machine either.


Sounds like a challenge and love challenges.  We'll talk in 6 months but not about selling however. :D

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You are correct, there are many issues that a person must evaluate while in business.  Getting the right product mix for the location is equally important.  That is the beauty of the tri-vends I believe.  If you have 3 different products on site, but 1 is selling good, keep it on site, and play around with the other 2 until you have comparable profits.  It's unlikely all products will sell equally, but you should be able to be satisfied with the adjustments.

Now on to repair costs.....All machines will eventually break down, and something will happen.  That's the facts of life I guess.  Not only do you need to look at the durability of the machines ( The 1-800 for what I can tell are durable), but also the costs of replacement parts.

I currently have SuperPro triples.  They look like the average run of the mill triple, but they are built like a tank.  The cost more than the xyz and amerivend triples, but they have a much better warranty.  Lifetime on defects, and a 10 year on the coin mech.  If for any reason, the chute door breaks off, or the display window gets scratched, I can purchase it for well below the retail.  That was the beauty of going with SuperPro.  They sell you a quality machine, and don't mark the accessories up, as they want repeat sales on equipment.

How many 1-800 did you purchase, if you don't mind me asking.  Before I got into this biz, I called them up, because I did like the style of the machines.  They shot me a price for 20 machines for right under $8000 I believe.  But this also included in person locating, and training.  It was with extra cannisters, and a carrying case as well.. Pretty much a turn key business.  I wan't interested in buying this many at one time, but the salesguy was not very receptive and wouldnt say anything other than this is the best he can do.

I hope the best for you, but sometimes the best laid plans sometimes suck.  After you have been in business for a while, you will fully understand what I mean about pinching penny's, especially when you don't have many machines.  Yes, buy quality, buy a machine that you can trust, but you have to juggle the true costs with actual costs in order to turn a buck.

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sounds like you have it all figured out..... personally i think you need to put away your check book and do a whole lot more research, and talk to  a few more people before you spend your money. you need to quit talking to people that are trying to benfit from which machines you buy.  do much more reading (and that reading should be from the experiences of people that have been doing this fulltime, for a long time) not reading from what the biz op companies want you to read. there is a ton of info on many different boards. alot of good FREE info out there from people that know what they are doing. but i could be wrong .


good luck

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I far from have it all figured out.  I know there will be plenty of mistakes along the way and hopefully I can avoid some of the mistakes along the way as well.  I have done plenty of investigating and have discussed with people that have no benefit from anything I do.  Just like this board.  It has plenty of biases thru out but have to filter what is real, what is BS and what beneficial for me situation.

I'm not sure if it was my doing but this thread had to do with the calculator on the 1.800 website.  It is no different than any other calculator out there.  I'm sure you have run across MLM opportunities before and you probably know how they go...you recruit 5 and if they recruit 5 and if they recruit 5 so on and so then you have a fortune.  Right??  Yes in theory but not in reality.  This calculator is no different.  In a perfect world and with the exact same sales that is what you would get but it does not consider costs.  In the case of 1 machine empty in 1 month is it not true that it would gross around $300??  I know that is highly, highly unlikely but in theory that is the case.  1200 vends is 1200 vends so at .25 is $300.  As a purchasing consumer you have to catch what is missing.  This does not just go for 1.800.  That goes for every company in every industry.

I however am more the open to listen to any helpful tips you may have that has specifics, foundation and supporting data that I can use.  Just telling me to put checkbook away and do more research is to vague and at what point do you pull the trigger and get started?  People are making money in this business so why is it that I can't?  If I can't then I will bough out but if I can than let me jump aboard.

I post another thread and ask a specific question about what costs to consider or are hidden costs that a newbie might not plan or foresee and would love to know what I might me missing.


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I far from have it all figured out.  I know there will be plenty of mistakes along the way and hopefully I can avoid some of the mistakes along the way as well.  I have done plenty of investigating and have discussed with people that have no benefit from anything I do.  Just like this board.  It has plenty of biases thru out but have to filter what is real, what is BS and what beneficial for me situation.

I'm not sure if it was my doing but this thread had to do with the calculator on the 1.800 website.  It is no different than any other calculator out there.  I'm sure you have run across MLM opportunities before and you probably know how they go...you recruit 5 and if they recruit 5 and if they recruit 5 so on and so then you have a fortune.  Right??  Yes in theory but not in reality.  This calculator is no different.  In a perfect world and with the exact same sales that is what you would get but it does not consider costs.  In the case of 1 machine empty in 1 month is it not true that it would gross around $300??  I know that is highly, highly unlikely but in theory that is the case.  1200 vends is 1200 vends so at .25 is $300.  As a purchasing consumer you have to catch what is missing.  This does not just go for 1.800.  That goes for every company in every industry.

I however am more the open to listen to any helpful tips you may have that has specifics, foundation and supporting data that I can use.  Just telling me to put checkbook away and do more research is to vague and at what point do you pull the trigger and get started?  People are making money in this business so why is it that I can't?  If I can't then I will bough out but if I can than let me jump aboard.

I post another thread and ask a specific question about what costs to consider or are hidden costs that a newbie might not plan or foresee and would love to know what I might me missing.


Black Panther, I think pusherman was vague because he assumed the context of your (presently) pro-1800 stance.  That's what the checkbook was referencing.  Since you have mentioned more than once about needing to look at the info being offered on this site critically, may I humbly suggest you search craigslist in your area and outside of it, as well as ebay, to determine what the real market value of a 1-800 machine is.  We all know you'll find it to be about 1/3 of what they sell for directly from the company, so if you don't want to take our pleadings to protect your wallet to heart... check out the market.

No one was saying YOU won't make it in this business (in fact, we want you to), but rather that you won't make it in this business buying 1-800 vending machines.

Good luck!


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rather that you won't make it in this business buying 1-800 vending machines.


...Directly from 1-800.

Earlier I posted a link in the classified section to an eBay auction that was selling brand new, in the box 1-800 machines. The guy had a $99 buy it now option and I believe they went unsold. Check out the link in the classified section.


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I far from have it all figured out.  I know there will be plenty of mistakes along the way and hopefully I can avoid some of the mistakes along the way as well.  I have done plenty of investigating and have discussed with people that have no benefit from anything I do.  Just like this board.  It has plenty of biases thru out but have to filter what is real, what is BS and what beneficial for me situation.

I'm not sure if it was my doing but this thread had to do with the calculator on the 1.800 website.  It is no different than any other calculator out there.  I'm sure you have run across MLM opportunities before and you probably know how they go...you recruit 5 and if they recruit 5 and if they recruit 5 so on and so then you have a fortune.  Right??  Yes in theory but not in reality.  This calculator is no different.  In a perfect world and with the exact same sales that is what you would get but it does not consider costs.  In the case of 1 machine empty in 1 month is it not true that it would gross around $300??  I know that is highly, highly unlikely but in theory that is the case.  1200 vends is 1200 vends so at .25 is $300.  As a purchasing consumer you have to catch what is missing.  This does not just go for 1.800.  That goes for every company in every industry.

I however am more the open to listen to any helpful tips you may have that has specifics, foundation and supporting data that I can use.  Just telling me to put checkbook away and do more research is to vague and at what point do you pull the trigger and get started?  People are making money in this business so why is it that I can't?  If I can't then I will bough out but if I can than let me jump aboard.

I post another thread and ask a specific question about what costs to consider or are hidden costs that a newbie might not plan or foresee and would love to know what I might me missing.


I disagree with this. There are many vending manufacturers that dont resort to this type of marketing, which at best is unrealistic and at worst outright deception.

No matter what machines you have, you will be making close to the national avg.

When I first started bulk, I bought u turns which, at the time, were similar in popularity as the 1 800's are now. The marketing of the u turms was real similar to 1 800. I ended up paying much more than the machines were worth. I also payed alot in broken coin mechs and chute doors as well as lost product from forced vends. In the end I had to replace all the coin mechs with metal ones which also cost alot.

If you want to start bulk, there is nothing wrong with going with that machine but you really should look at the secondary market as you will pay alot less which will allow you to grow faster. The reason for this is people who have bought from 1 800, thinking they are going to be making alot more money because of the marketing and are becoming disillusioned with bulk, giving up and selling the machines at a discount.

In my opinion, those machines are not worth what they are asking for them, the only way that they can get that is by using their extreme marketing tactics.


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Steve...I have on my watch list several auctions on ebay currently and some that have ended.  I have also won 3 units on there yesterday.  Craigslist has not been as useful for me but have checked a few times now.  Not as familiar with craigslist.

Jimbo....I have not had any deceptive advise yet that I am aware of but have seen some however that contradicts the majority that I have found.

Here is a question then for all....What do you consider a FAIR price for the 1.800 in particular?  I have been (as noted above) watching the second hand market and most seem to be selling around $175 give or take with shipping cost considered.  The one steve mentions was $153 if I'm not mistaken.  I have not been offered no where near the $300 plus shipping that has been flying around about them.  Yes looking at larger volume but with spill trays (which run $13) and with shipping would pay less than $250.  That is a $338 shipped machine apples to apples.

How about another question also.  If saying $10 is norm then with a $100 anytime of unit would take better than 10 months for payback.  In my scenario would take 2 years.  And all combinations in-between.  What return are you looking for?   What is wrong with 2 years if that would be the case?  Most other business opportunities take much, much longer than that do they not??

Thanks for all the comments and taking it all in.  I don't mean to come across negative just question things and drill for the real truth.  I like challenging people.

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