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machine I just bought


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I'd pay $39 for those. They seem to be in good shape and are a standard machine so servicing and adjusting should be no different than a Seaga, Amerivend, XYZ, etc, etc.

Whats he want for shipping?


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she hasn`t told e how much for shipping yet.I dont expect it to be expensive since its only one state away.

Yea, lets just hope she charges you actual shipping and doesn't price gouge. I have seen a lot of sellers sell things dirt cheap only to mark up the shipping astronomically. It is always a good practice to find out the shipping charge prior to placing a bid.

Example - I purchase a lot of older football cards off eBay and I have seen many that I would like to have for seemingly cheap money. They would set the "Buy it Now"  to something like .99 but list the shipping as $9.99.

I'm not saying that this seller is like this but it's something to watch out for. It would suck if you purchased that machine for $39 and she charges you $100 for shipping! :shock: For that kind of money you could get a brand new Oak double.


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i have been overcharged on shipping before,its not the case on this transaction.I wont give her more then 30$ for 1 machine.but thanks for the heads up.


the time I got overcharged for shipping it was by about 20$ but I won a u turn 8 vend for 52$ from that seller !!

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Sir, you need some serious counseling, or at least to step off the crack pipe.

Now the cancer you bred on BVA is going to spread over to this board?  Do you really want to go down in flames?

Sleep on it overnite.  Is it worth it?  Karma is a tough lady to deal with.

Steve, I'd nip this one now.

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Sir, you need some serious counseling, or at least to step off the crack pipe.

Now the cancer you bred on BVA is going to spread over to this board?  Do you really want to go down in flames?

Sleep on it overnite.  Is it worth it?  Karma is a tough lady to deal with.

Steve, I'd nip this one now.

I didnt breed any cancer anywhere.someone misunderstood me and everyone came after me.it has nothing to do with this board as my behavior here was like it was over there before today:a professional.you must be on the crackpipe yourself as in one paragraph you give me good advice and to sleep on it and on the next paragraph you tell steve to"nip this one"

what is there to nip?find a post beside the one at kyle that gives anyone here any reason to boot me

STEVE:I have behaved as the pro that I am here and on the other board before a misunderstanding turned into major turmoil.

nothing close has or will happen here as it seems people here are more understanding and kind and they dont insult you for no reason.I was misunderstood and stuck up for myself while they are calling me,my wife and my family names.no one like his family insulted the least bit.

all for a misunderstanding I got insulted repeatedly and by all the other members too before I got a chance to defend myself.when I did defend myself and explained ,everyone continued to insult me and completely ignore my explaination.then when i got tired of getting insulted I started to insult back.

anywyas I have done nothing wrong,have given good advice and never started anything here,so there is no reason to "nip"this one.


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Farmer_John wrote:

Sir, you need some serious counseling, or at least to step off the crack pipe.

Now the cancer you bred on BVA is going to spread over to this board?  Do you really want to go down in flames?

Sleep on it overnite.  Is it worth it?  Karma is a tough lady to deal with.

Steve, I'd nip this one now.

I didnt breed any cancer anywhere.someone misunderstood me and everyone came after me.it has nothing to do with this board as my behavior here was like it was over there before today:a professional.you must be on the crackpipe yourself as in one paragraph you give me good advice and to sleep on it and on the next paragraph you tell steve to"nip this one"

what is there to nip?find a post beside the one at kyle that gives anyone here any reason to boot me

STEVE:I have behaved as the pro that I am here and on the other board before a misunderstanding turned into major turmoil.

nothing close has or will happen here as it seems people here are more understanding and kind and they dont insult you for no reason.I was misunderstood and stuck up for myself while they are calling me,my wife and my family names.no one like his family insulted the least bit.

all for a misunderstanding I got insulted repeatedly and by all the other members too before I got a chance to defend myself.when I did defend myself and explained ,everyone continued to insult me and completely ignore my explaination.then when i got tired of getting insulted I started to insult back.

anywyas I have done nothing wrong,have given good advice and never started anything here,so there is no reason to "nip"this one.


your last sentence sums up your whole problem perfectly. you come on here and say that to kyle and  then step back and say "anyways i have done nothing wrong". it is always someone elses fault.

you completely took something wrong in your first few posts and then ran through BVA with a blow torch. some of the most successful vendors from around the country are on that board, and they are willing to share what they know with other vendors, FOR FREE. and you cant shut your mouth long enough to realize what you are doing and maybe learn something.

there are great people here at vendiscuss and at BVA and you are quickly losing the respect of everyone. i tried to tell you the same thing yesterday but you would not stop.

i hope it stops here.

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  Zero Tolorance, which means the use of profanity, or personal attack against another vendor should be barred from this site.  No exceptions.....

If we allow one, then we have to allow another, and before long, this site becomes the same as the others.  This site is free, but it does not mean that anyone is "free" to say what they want.  Set an example, and nip it, and get rid of the cancer before it affects the positve aspects of this site.

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The End.

Antonio, I don't know (nor do I care) what has been going on over at BVA because I don't make it a habit of visiting there. However I will not let it spill over here. I have not seen anything negative from you until today and I value your membership here. However, I will say that your post to Kyle above was confrontational.  Posts like that should not be made on the public board. If you have a problem with Kyle, or vice versa, I suggest you do it through private messaging.


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