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I took home 103$in quarters from my skateing rink location in 6 weeks. slightly less then expected, but it didnt help that they were selling those mini packs of candy too that they had left over from halloween.so once they run out it should be bisness as usual there.

not bad though for a location that is only open 10-11 hours A WEEK!!!

I took home 122.50 from my springfield location.there was an even 150$$ in that machine in 31 days!!yes yes yes.my highest earner for the month so far and overall I`m sure.

going to check some more today will keep you posted.

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the 2 machines that I reported above are u-turn 8 vends.they are by far my best locations.

I just got back from 2 more stops and they weren`t too hot.a farm store yielded me 26 and an appliance center 16 in roughly 3 weeks.

cant win them all I guess.

I dont have any racks.I dont know enough about them to get into it nor do I have the time.

candy machines are more to my likeing simple easy to maintain and easy money.

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lets remember that one location was over 5 weeks and comission is only 15% so numbers are a bit more then average.still it`s a top earner 

the only 2 stops like that I have.from the rest of the machines I expected more after seeing those numbers but they on;ly do average.

I am expecting more sales once the smokeing ban takes efect starting jan 1,but it may average out with others that might have a new year resolution to lose weight.is january a slow month for candy sales?



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mex. restaraunt:48.75 after comission and buying the owners daughter a gumball.

skateing rink 97.50

other mex restaraunt:70.00

alll these locations haven`t been emptied in more then a month,probably 5 -6 weeks,i put all my machines on the same scheduale now.they all will be serviced monthly within a weeks time.

more to come

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Never mind, I went back to your December thread and re-read. Good job Antonio!

Note: I merged the two threads so we can keep all your info together. Each time you update let me know and I will edit the title for you so it will be current.


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Never mind, I went back to your December thread and re-read. Good job Antonio!

Note: I merged the two threads so we can keep all your info together. Each time you update let me know and I will edit the title for you so it will be current.


What is he running Steve?
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I have out on my route 8 vend u turns, 4 vend u turns, DI and beaver machines.my top earners are where there are lots of kids all the time,of course like a skateing rink,and a pizzeria where the owner has magicians and clowns there to entertain kids.in this location a rack would do really well but my wife thinks we need to be in the black before we spend more money on this business.we have spent  about 3800 so far.probably less then a lot of you.I think in 2 more months i will start with racks,no matter what.

apliance center:18.50

I cant wait to check the pizzeria with magicians,its been almost 2 months since I`ve emptied it out. last time I only filled it with candy and didnt collect any money.

I am going to check my farm store location later before work.


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here is all my numbers for the month from the machines I checked(didn`t check all my route):

super 8:11.00

my pizzeria:30.00

skateing rink:93.50

mex rest. 1:70.50

mex rest 2:39.75

farm store:35.00

apliance center:18.50

my last big location will get checked on monday.some of these number are decieving guys.I havent checked some of the machines in more then a month and the super 8 location was checked in aprox. 3 weeks.I am trying to put the machines on the same scheduale and next month check them all on or around the last Monday of the month depending on the locations days of operations/hours.I picked Monday because it is the only day off from my job.

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in 6 weeks 4 days I made 194.25 in the pizza place with magicians.I also collected 78$ from a mechanic in 7 weeks.

next month I will check all my machines on the same week for a more acurate month to month reading.

I also started selling dark choclate mm which I haven`t checked on yet and pmm dark choc.,which at said mechanic shop are 1/3 of the way gone in 9 days.them animals went thru a whole can of cashews from sams  in the same amount of time.

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