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Old Dog Learns New Facts


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I have been in this business for a long time.  Once I retired and started Blue Moose Vending Management it seemed very familiar to me since I had been doing it for many years for my own company.  But....here is what I have learned over the past 3 years, it is not easy just making calls to find locations.  If that is the only resource I have in an area it is very unproductive and lots of work.

I have tried to help a few vendors in areas outside Southern California and it has been time consuming and very hard unless the companies are in a major city such as Atlanta or Pittsburgh.  In smaller areas the companies have a local vending service and it is hard to get them to change companies even if they are receiving poor service or have older machines.  Smaller areas just have a certain degree of loyalty to their vendor that is not present in larger cities.

My point in mentioning this to you is hopefully helping you develop your market.  In Southern California Blue Moose Vending Management has a solid marketing presence.  We can be found on mailers, in newspapers, Merchant Circle, radio ads, Google/Yahoo search engines, coupons, Vending Connection, Coin-Op Trader, advertising on local nonprofit sites such as SPCA, sponsoring nonprofit events to be listed in their event programs, donating money to youth sports teams, telemarketing 5 hours each day (Bill and I) at a monthly cost of almost $1800.  

But the number one thing that we did this past year was asking Steve to develop a new website for our marketing.  www.bluemoosevendmgt.com  I did a new business report covering the last 3 months to find that 60% of the new business has come to us through the website contact page. Now I don’t really have the data to tell you how they are finding the website but it is working for us.  Maybe it’s a mixture of all of the above resulting in customers just checking the site after seeing a newspaper ad or coupon.

So if you want to grow your business you can certainly hire a locator but it is going to take some time for them to find solid businesses for you.  You can also try putting up a website.  The startup cost might set you back the cost of one location fee but after that it is fairly inexpensive. Then work your local Merchant Circle account inviting every business you can find to join your circle.  One thing will lead to another and the next thing you know businesses will be calling you.

Also get a business card made up so you can leave it with them when you make a sales call.  

Good Luck to all.

Blue Moose

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Just in case anyone was wondering who Steve is in my post it is Steve Caserri.  Highly recommending him. 

Not that Weir isn't good too. 

Blue Moose

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Thanks Poplady, but yeah you are definitely correct having a website and advertising has the potential so that when you call a location up they may have heard of you before and it gives you a much better chance of getting the location because they recognize you.

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Hey Bev,

Thank you for the endorsement! I've tried not to promote my venture openly on the forum. I just didn't feel right about it but since you have put the spotlight on me, I will say this...

I have actually come a long way since we worked on your project. At that time, I was working by myself and I had to turn away A LOT of business. I came to the realization that I had to either keep turning away business or expand by hiring a small development team. I chose the later and now I am able to take on much more business and get projects done much faster. As a result, we no longer have a waiting list nor are we turning down business.

If I can help anyone, visit us at www.caserridesign.com (end of shameless self promotion)  :D

It was a pleasure working with you.

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