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I went with my brother today to check out some machines. Both are triples. One is in a Mexican restaurant. He serviced it 2 weeks ago and at the time there was $25 for 3 weeks worth. We checked it today and it had $19. The machine had candy bones, Chiclets and mints. 95% of the sales were from the bones. Almost no sales for the mints. I suggested putting PMM's in place of the mints. Will that do any good ? Either way, that is a definate keeper location.

The other machine was at a new hair salon. A week and a half ago we serviced it after 3 weeks. It only had $0.50 then. It had GB's, mints and runts. Now this place is new and small, so we gave it a chance and it also had someone elses single head gumball already. However, I replaced everything with PMM's, M&I's and Chiclets. We went in it today after an 8 day "soak" and it had $5. Most from PMM's and none from M&I's. As we were leaving, we saw the employee's getting PMM's. Is that an ideal location for a single head ?

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When you replace an entire selection what do you do with the old candy? Does it just sit around and go bad, or do you toss it?

For the hair salon I would try some skittles, PMM, and sugar free gum or something sugar free.

Try hot tomales at the mexican resteraunt.

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The other machine was at a new hair salon. A week and a half ago we serviced it after 3 weeks. It only had $0.50 then. It had GB's, mints and runts. Now this place is new and small, so we gave it a chance and it also had someone elses single head gumball already. However, I replaced everything with PMM's, M&I's and Chiclets. We went in it today after an 8 day "soak" and it had $5. Most from PMM's and none from M&I's. As we were leaving, we saw the employee's getting PMM's. Is that an ideal location for a single head ?

This is a classic case that proves the point that less is more.  Yes, take it down to a single head.  In this case you can prolly just have the PMM's and that's it.  The other products are just being wasted.
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