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Was it Worth It???

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Just purchased a USI 3013 and 3016 from Craigslist.  Paid $400 (delivered).  Everything appears to work, all items vend, soda gets cold.  Need to be cleaned up...and a few scratches.  Not the prettiest machine, and kinda dated appearance, but I was looking for a cheap combo to put inside an auto maintenance facility (staff access only) with about 6 staff members

thoughts.....was it a great deal, ok deal, or I got screwed?



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In my opinion, if you can get a machine that is fully functional and reliable and can handle todays market for under $500, its a good deal!

But getting two machines for $400 DELIVERED, now that is just down right stealing it!!!!

Awsome Job,  way to go!!!!

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Those are pretty decent little work horses, in a low volume location like that they ought to last for years.

One suggestion, the gaskets on the soda machine tends to flatten out over time and start letting cold air out, IMO its worth calling Vendnet and proactively putting a new door gasket in. Ought to run you 30-40 bucks.

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