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Big Corps - which ones have you done?


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BJ's used to have NW 9 head racks in their stores.  I called corporate after I noticed that they were removed and tried to place racks.  The lady I spoke to at corporate said they no longer allow bulk vending.

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BJ's used to have NW 9 head racks in their stores.  I called corporate after I noticed that they were removed and tried to place racks.  The lady I spoke to at corporate said they no longer allow bulk vending.

I really don't understand why the corporate world are such sticklers on this kind of stuff.

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I really don't understand why the corporate world are such sticklers on this kind of stuff.

Well, look at it from the corporation's perspective.  What is in it for them?  What is the real benefit? There is usually very little upside with bulk vending and most likely a bigger downside for them.

I can't say for sure.  But I think liability has a lot to do with it.  A big corporation with deep packets could have lots to lose in time and money over a silly law suit and really very little to gain in terms of significant revenue generated by bulk vending racks.  A big corp can be a target for the law suit leaches.  There are lawyers that specialize in suing Wal-Mart for goodness sakes!  I had one location that paid ten grand a month for rent.  I don't think a $30 commission excited the owner too much, but I am sure a law suit would really tick him off.

I had nice commission deal "inked" with Tire Kingdom through a special deal from a locator - or so I thought!  It would have granted exclusive rights for one bulk machine (mine) in all 22 stores in central Florida.  It was even approved by a corporate VP in some fancy office somewhere.  Well,  the area DM threw a fit and killed the deal.  Guess what killed it?  Liability concerns!  Tire Kingdom is part of at least 2 other automotive stores operating under a corporate umbrella.  A store manager (also a 20 year veteran) told me the company was sued back in the 1990's after a kid choked on something from a machine.  All snack and bulk machines were removed per corporate policy.  He warned me that any bulk machine would not last very long.  I guess the VP that approved it  was from the other chains and did not know of the history.  Really sucked since I used to have some machines on charity and they did very well until they were booted.  So getting back in would have been great.  Oh well, just move on. 

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I used to work for Target.  One of their big things was that every store was set up the exact same way (or with as little variation as possible given location restraints).  They even had a full scale model store in their headquarters to test new design layouts.  If they allowed bulk vending, it would have to be a part of every store.  They also like control over EVERY aspect of their stores, so even if they someday had bulk vending, it would be Target owned.

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