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Well, I think this should go in the break room as it isn't vending related.

That being said, while the logo is ok, I might be missing something, but I don't see the hot dog vending cart business as something easily franchisable. Once you have a permit, you can simply get your own cart and make the dogs. With a few notable exceptions - Nathan's for instance - no one knows about "brand" name hot dogs.

Furthermore, people who frequest hot dog vending carts (lunch-goers, people going to/from sporting events, etc.), aren't the type who are particular about their food. No offense is meant here - I am simply stating they are looking for a quick meal and aren't going to look for a particular name brand.

Some have made a good living in local areas being known for good food, but as a franchise, I just don't see what you'll have to offer.

That is my $0.02.

It will be interesting to see how things go.


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LOL, that is a pretty loose def. In this case, "vending cart" , vending means to sell.

I ran a tanning salon and sold tanning lotion. I was therefore a vendor. Indeed, I had a vendor's license. But I wouldn't post here about it.

Vending, as it is used on this board, means the sale of items from machines.


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Royal, this is another confusing statement. You say you have 3 businesses...vending, insurance, and money managing. However, I am assuming "money managing" isn't really what most people mean when they say that. In other words, you are more of an administrator instead of someone actively managing money - which would include things like directing investments, etc.

Regardless, you said your insurance company was making a lot of money, so why do you "need to make money". Why not focus on that? Why venture into something so risky?

Or, if you just have a drive to own multiple businesses, why not buy an existing business - a bar or restaurant for example.


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No I actively manage their money through financial instruments like annuities. On the side I also have a few clients involved with my other ventures I own like vending and real estate. It don't matter how much money I make in my insurance business, I still have to have my vending business perform because it is a separate investment and the investor is expecting a return.

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There are lots of franchises that people could easily start for themselves for much less money. However, some people aren't aware of that fact, or they just don't want to do the leg work. Some people like the "business in a box" approach and others just don't know any better. People who do know better, wouldn't be Royal's target market.

That being said, I hope you do offer something of value Royal and you aren't just trying to take peoples money and run because you want to recoup your losses........

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Royal, annuities aren't really managing. Or do you change over time what the annuity invests in?

What I'm trying to get at, are you someone who I go to and say I want X and you make it happen. Or do I come to you and say I have $100K...invest it for me.


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The Biz

I don't believe in taking advantage of other people to get ahead financially. I will do my best to make it work and bring value to where the person franchising from me will become successful. I benefit when the franchise owner makes money because I will receive a monthly royalty fee from the person franchising from me. I am hoping to have these carts generate 60,000.00 minimum per year. I will be able to test my business plan to see if it works, because I will become the first owner of a doglicious site. I will let you know the numbers.

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The Biz

I don't believe in taking advantage of other people to get ahead financially. I will do my best to make it work and bring value to where the person franchising from me will become successful. I benefit when the franchise owner makes money because I will receive a monthly royalty fee from the person franchising from me. I am hoping to have these carts generate 60,000.00 minimum per year. I will be able to test my business plan to see if it works, because I will become the first owner of a doglicious site. I will let you know the numbers.

Ok, let me see if I understand this.  You are trying to put together a franchise opportunity by creating a reproduceable business that others can buy into.  Does that $60K/yr income reflect what a franchise owner should be able to make, or the amount of money you expect to make through franchise fees?

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dperry. I have to first see if  the business works for me, being the first one in before any franchise will be bought from me. Again I am in the beginning phase, and have not worked out what the franchise fee or royalty fee will be. After I see success I will then get with a franchise attorney  and start the franchise path.

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