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How to setup a spread sheet?


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Maybe what I am wanting is a computer program? I dunno.

I am new to excel etc   And I am wanting to create a spread sheet that is on going so to speak of inventory, specific flavors in certain locations etc.

Sorta like quicken is with bank accounts.

Sorta like the following....

Location: VENDiscuss

Machine  Coke Bottle

The sold would represent what I stocked the machine with.

coke  sold 4

pepsi sold  5

Diet coke sold 10

Location:  Flea Market

Machine: Pepsi

Pepsi 10

Mt. Dew 25

I want to keep an ever ending tally of dates stocked what I stocked etc.

After I enter what I stocked I want to be able to see what I have left in inventory in the warehouse. So I don't run out of product in the warehouse.  And be able to add product when the shipments come in..

With my can machine, I just go to walmart when I am out of product.  with my bottle machines, I have to order the product from the bottlers and they are only delivered once a week.

I sorta have a "paper system" in place right now,  but I cannot watch the papers 24/7 and my wife doesn't grasp the concept of why I don't want the kids in my makeshift office messing around.

I put a lock on the door,  she questions what I am hiding.

I give her a key to the lock to prove I have nothing to hide,  she lets the kids in and leaves the door wide open.

I am not big enough yet to move out of my garage,  So I figured doing it on computer would be much simpler and I would always have a back up.

Any suggestions or hints on how to do this?

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ill tell you what the canteen vending co i worked for did  they had  a sheet for each location  all they did was  wrote down how many  items of each price they put into machines 

.50  =  10

1.50 =20

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if.......the machines you are wanting to monitor, are new enough to be MDB capable, their is now an after market product you can add to the machine, hook it to the internet.......and provides you with all the data you are trying to build manually......product inventory, cash , product needed, pick lists for delivery machine functionality etc......all data to you via the internet in real time......

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Let me see if I can clarify things somewhat.

While doing my route,  I will manually write down what flavor and how many of each flavor I stock in the machine.

When I get home,  I want to put what flavors and how many I put in each machine at each location  into the computer.

I want it to tally each flavor per location. So I can go back and say, "oh, on 7/709 I put 5 cokes 5diet cokes in coke bottle machine at 123 main st. and as of today, I have sold a total of 1,234 bottles of coke out of that machine since it was placed.

Now, I also want to be able to track the inventory inside my garage/stockroom/warehouse.

I want to be able to sit at the computer and put in that I put 5 cokes and 5 diet cokes into the machine at 123main st. today  and the computer will then tell me that I started the day with 24 cokes and 24 diet cokes.  And now that I have stocked the machine,  I should now have 19 cokes and 19 diet cokes left in my garage/stockroom/warehouse.

Is it possible to even create a spreadsheet or 2 to do what I want to do?  or do I just need to save up money and buy that $300 vending program that I have been looking at?

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Let me see if I can clarify things somewhat.

While doing my route,  I will manually write down what flavor and how many of each flavor I stock in the machine.

When I get home,  I want to put what flavors and how many I put in each machine at each location  into the computer.

I want it to tally each flavor per location. So I can go back and say, "oh, on 7/709 I put 5 cokes 5diet cokes in coke bottle machine at 123 main st. and as of today, I have sold a total of 1,234 bottles of coke out of that machine since it was placed.

Now, I also want to be able to track the inventory inside my garage/stockroom/warehouse.

I want to be able to sit at the computer and put in that I put 5 cokes and 5 diet cokes into the machine at 123main st. today  and the computer will then tell me that I started the day with 24 cokes and 24 diet cokes.  And now that I have stocked the machine,  I should now have 19 cokes and 19 diet cokes left in my garage/stockroom/warehouse.

Is it possible to even create a spreadsheet or 2 to do what I want to do?  or do I just need to save up money and buy that $300 vending program that I have been looking at?

yes you can do this with excel or google docs. i did a very similar program

in excel and it took me only 4-5hrs to come up with one

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