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Banana Vending Machine


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Thanks for the link!

Best quote:

"The truth is, people ask for this, but just because they ask for this doesn't mean they're going to buy it."


I thought the best quote was "It went over like a turd in a punch bowl". LOL  ;D

As hard as people try you are never going to win the healthy snack debate with customers. I really go into details about healthy vending and what it truly means. Best approach is not allow your customer to set unrealistic goals for healthy vending. If a customer tries to say they want at least 30 to 50% items to be healthy I explain it is not a realistic goal. I offer to start with 6 to 10 items at the most and say I will expand the line if it is selling. I tell them if it is selling I dont have a problem with stocking it.  If it starts to go to waste I collect it for 30 days in the bottom of the snack machine then go to them and dump it out and show them the waste. This makes a visual impact that they understand better. However, you had better post some sort of request menu or suggestions menu along with it so they cant say "you are not stocking what we want". I explain to them unless you are going to go as far as no outside food then people are going to eat what they want. The employeer has to have a wellness program that they push to educate people and encourage them to eat healthy.

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