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Antares Red Bull Pricing


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I have two 2005 Antares combo machines that are placed and

both locations want Red Bull in the machine. I am not crazy

about Antares but I picked them up cheap. The problem I have

is the pricing for the drinks cannot be changed to more than

$1.00 because it is a mechanical machine. I would need to

set the pricing at a minimum of $1.50 to make any money vending Red Bull because the lowest price I can find is $29.99 a case. I was hoping someone might be more familiar with this machine

or may be vending Red Bull in their existing Antares machine and have some sugestions for me.

Thank you

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I have two 2005 Antares combo machines that are placed and

both locations want Red Bull in the machine. I am not crazy

about Antares but I picked them up cheap. The problem I have

is the pricing for the drinks cannot be changed to more than

$1.00 because it is a mechanical machine. I would need to

set the pricing at a minimum of $1.50 to make any money vending Red Bull because the lowest price I can find is $29.99 a case. I was hoping someone might be more familiar with this machine

or may be vending Red Bull in their existing Antares machine and have some sugestions for me.

Thank you

I know you can go up to $1.25 with the right slots, but I'm not sure any higher.

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