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Assembling Beaver Bulk Machines, How?


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I got boxes and boxes of disassembled Beaver machines with millions of parts from someone that no longer what them. is there any places (ideally in illustration format) where I can see what parts are usefull for what type of candies/nuts and how to reassemble it quickly?

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Thanks jmac. Now if I only can find out for which type of candies, gums and nuts all these wheels are for. I got a contenaers full of various wheels...

As far as I know, Beaver only makes 3 different wheels for the RB's. The metal bulk candy wheels. The metal 1" gumball wheel. Plastic 1" capsule wheel. Apparently the metal gumball wheel will crush capsules, so they make a plastic wheel for this. I hope that helps. You can also call Beaver directly, they have been really helpful to me.

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