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Scouted Location - Roach Motel


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Ok. So I went into my local dispensary today, which is in the parking lot of a roach motel that is always full. I was walking back to my car and peeped at the small lobby. I noticed they had a double head in there completely empty. Am I thinking that this place would be a good spot to maybe bump the competition? Thing is, I have nothing so far, not even a business card or business name (I have an idea) or machine yet. I guess my question is multi-sided. First, if I wait until the weekend when I have time to locate a decent used machine, would it be too late to pounce or if its bone dry, can I assume that its pretty much neglected on a regular basis. I feel with the foot traffic of a dump roach motel that is always full, the lobby, albeit small, is a nice spot that is earning nothing right now. So would you think this would be a good spot? Its pretty much an adult only motel, I never see kids - always walk my dog there when I hit up the dispensary in the day time, so i bet pmm would be a staple here - if I got a twin head. I also have this guy I found still avail on CL right now, so maybe this would be worth my money for an initial investment (besides the business card by the weekend and a name haha) so here is the link: http://sandiego.craigslist.org/esd/for/2209228558.html. I know its a triple, but I think it would be a nice little experiment. I know I am getting ahead of myself, but I am confident I could walk in there and sell them on me and my assumed product over a double that is bone dry. Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you so much.

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Business names and cards aren't needed at this stage. All you really need is the machine full of product. Get the cheapest machine as quick as you can and get it in there.

But my question is, if it's a roach motel, maybe it's the roaches eating all the candy?

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