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I use quickbooks

I setup each location as a customer and I track inventory.

When I service a location - I create a invoice, "selling" the product to them at a 0 price

Once I count the cash collected - I have a non-inventory item called bulk-sales-candy, also one for soda, snack, toys etc

I put in that amount and then discount the invoice for the amount of the local sales tax - so the invoice total with tax equals the amount I collected

PS - I also use the class function of quickbooks for bulk candy, toys sticker machines etc and also a class for soda and one for snack

That way I can run P&L's on each class to see how each one is doing.

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I use Quickbooks as well. My biz is pretty simple since i only have one type of machine. I set each one up as a customer and create a sales receipt each time I collect money. I don't track inventory but I probably should start doing that. It helps a great deal just to keep everything organized and I can tell for sure what machines are making money over a period of time. It also makes sales tax very easy as well as commission and keeping track of expenses.

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