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Good deal, yes or no?


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I personally like the Vendesign setup with the coin bank, and if you have locations that will support 4 selections, maybe it's a good deal. Offer him less if you are taking them all though. Like $400 for all 9. You still have the main drawback of the machine other than size, which is where to set the cannisters when you go to take the coin bank out. If you have a big canvas shopping bag, perhaps you can put them in there when you service so they don't sit on the floor. I also don't know if they vend gumballs/round caps consistently either. The dispenser is a round tube on the bottom of the canister and is adjustable.

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The price seems fair. It looks like they hold a lot of product and knowing how candy sales are you would have to put so little candy to keep it from melting, That they would look empty. Just mt 2 cents.

If it were me looking at buying them i would instead. Order 4 way one inch pm elite from A&A and do gum balls, BB, and two one inch .50 items. Im the long rum you will get more bang for your buck.

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