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Donating to Japan Earthquake relief?


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I'm planning on working up a design to stick on my machines and donate a % to the Japan relief. Every little bit counts. I'm probably going to send to Red Cross. Anyone else looking into this or design a card/sticker for your machines?

I'm still at the idea phase but hope to get something together tomorrow.

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I have not considered it...if I was to do something like that , I could think of a bunch of local causes that I would rather send my money.

I guess it's a bit more personal since I sell Japanese toys in my machines. And have always had a love for the Japanese culture. Very sad to see anyone go through such a massive disaster. I know it's only a matter of time for us Californians.

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I have not considered it...if I was to do something like that , I could think of a bunch of local causes that I would rather send my money.

It is sad, tragic and unfortunate what has happened in Japan, we have far to many problems here to always be trying to bail other countries out. You might think I'm heartless to say this but you would be wrong. I try everyday to forget my own selfish needs and help others, some days I do better than others...
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I think my intent is kind of being derailed, but help is freely given and there is no sin if you cannot. Japanese citizens donated millions to help out Katrina victims and to help New Orleans rebuild. But if they hadn't it wouldn't affect my decision to contribute a % of our sales to help them. Lots of Americans didn't send a $1. There is no reason at all that you should feel a need to defend any personal decision to not to send money. Maybe you do something else? I'm not here to judge.

The point was to ask others like-minded if they were doing any graphics and if I could "borrow" some. If not, no worries. I don't want to start some political/moral discussion.

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I think that's a great idea mrgranger. People can deny it all day, but we're connected to the global economy, everything that happens in any other country affects us. This is no exception. People in the NW U.S. will feel it the most and this is already causing serious discussion over loss of business.

Japan and the rest of the world are our own backyard and vice versa.

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