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Business Expo results

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Just thought I'd relate this recent experience to you......

We've had threads previously about ways to spend $$ marketing our businesses. One of the things that has come up in those threads is whether or not to join the Chamber of Commerce. In my community, I have been a member for a few years now, this year for the first time I purchased a booth for the Chamber of Commerce business Expo to highlight and showcase local businesses. The booth cost me $250.00 and I spent another $150.00 or so to have a large vinyl banner made up as well as a couple of hundred flyers on good quality high gloss paper.

To set up the booth I basically grabbed one of everything in the truck and warehouse and set it up on a nice tablecloth to showcase the wide variety of products I carry. Then I put on a shirt and tie and was ready to go.

Additionally, I contacted my Coke rep and got them to donate 10 cases of the new Dr Pepper 10 calorie drink as a giveaway. By the end of the evening I had people seeking me out for a free can of it.

Today I signed a soda and snack location from a lead generated from the Expo. There are also two proposals pending with one asking me to come in on Friday to talk with them some more. Finally, I also got to meet someone on the Economic Development Board of a small nearby city that recently announced a new company moving in and he will be getting me in contact with the management as they get ready to move into town.

You don't need to be a member of the Chamber to get a booth at these kind of events, but if you are not a member they will usually charge you more for the booth. IMO its something worth considering when looking at how your spend your marketing dollars.

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That is great!! I am glad it will pay off for you. I think any local trade and business expos you can attend would help most vending companies. The more people that know you exist they more chances you will earn business.

We were doing one of those "dog and pony shows" presentations where you feed everyone samples, and hand out material at an account the other day. (We are competing against 6 other vending companies) An average worker walks up to us and ask how to contact us. He then gave us his wifes name and phone number and said she is the facility manager of a call center and hates her current vending company and wants to switch. He said he liked our food, variety and the presentation was great. He said he already called her and told her that she needs to talk to us. I asked him how many people work at his wifes facility and he said right at 400 people. :o While call centers are not as strong as some accounts it is very nice to be handed such a situtaion like this.

I hope you get tons of business from your Chamber event. Keep us posted on how it turns out.

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That is great!! I am glad it will pay off for you. I think any local trade and business expos you can attend would help most vending companies. The more people that know you exist they more chances you will earn business.

We were doing one of those "dog and pony shows" presentations where you feed everyone samples, and hand out material at an account the other day. (We are competing against 6 other vending companies) An average worker walks up to us and ask how to contact us. He then gave us his wifes name and phone number and said she is the facility manager of a call center and hates her current vending company and wants to switch. He said he liked our food, variety and the presentation was great. He said he already called her and told her that she needs to talk to us. I asked him how many people work at his wifes facility and he said right at 400 people. :o While call centers are not as strong as some accounts it is very nice to be handed such a situtaion like this.

I hope you get tons of business from your Chamber event. Keep us posted on how it turns out.

It was a fairly small event, I think I've gotten about all out of it that I can at this point. Still a respectable showing for the $$ spent, IMO at least.

A 400 person call center ought to be fantastic. Currently I don't have one in my portfolio :( , but the one's I have been fortunate to have in the past all have done well. It amazes me at times where a new location comes from, you just have to keep working on getting your name out. I don't know about you, but I pass out over 1000 business cards a year. Although I can't quantify it, I'm sure some of those calls that I have gotten from out of the blue from a company I have never solicited have come from some of those cards.

Sounds like you've got a couple of hot irons in the fire as well. Hope it goes well for you too. I love reading accounts of success here on the board from the other members.

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