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Funeral Homes

PnutGallery Co.

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Does anyone have candy or gum in funeral homes. I am just starting and it seems as if this may be a good location??

Every place is a good place. If it doesn't sell, pull the machine. You won't know unless you try it.

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Thanks for the entertaining commments. I am going to try and place a tripple in one and see what happens. A local funeral home here has multiple funerals most days and I have a good feeling about it.

Sounds like people are just dying to get into the hippest place in town...

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All joking aside, one word comes to mind. TACKY ! I wish I could see the funeral directors expression when you try your sales pitch.

I was just at the funeral home and was involved with a funeral director and watching all of the charges they run up, and how they more than likely get a cut of the flowers, the dinner afterward, and just about any service they are in the middle of helping provide. I really think they are all about making money and a good quality machine like a Beaver Triton with some class might just fit in. I will definatly give it a shot and I will be sure to get back to you all with the expression I got as well as the answer. I know for certain it will not work if I never try it. :rolleyes:

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Here is an older thread about placing machines in a funeral home... You are not alone Pnut. laugh.gif


Thanks for the link. I have had the unfortunate luck of attending two family funerals in the last two days. I have been talking quite a bit with the funeral director and seem to be hitting it off good. Going to wait until my new machines arrive and am going to give it a shot. Both days I was there I feel would have produced had there been a machine there. Strange as it sounds, but this will be my first stop to try and place my first new machine. I know business can be dead at times, but they had five funerals between Friday and Saturday.

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All joking aside, one word comes to mind. TACKY ! I wish I could see the funeral directors expression when you try your sales pitch.

I agree with Prince.

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All joking aside, one word comes to mind. TACKY ! I wish I could see the funeral directors expression when you try your sales pitch.

I have to disagree. Business is business. The funeral home doesn't think it's tacky to charge money for their services. A location is a location. If you can get it, go for it.

But then again, I have a much different view on death than others.

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I agree with Prince.

Actually the many funerals that I've been to had mints for free (though I'm sure we were charged somewhere for them), but if there had been a tasteful gumball or candy machine there I probably would have gone for that. Not everyone likes the mints, especially the kids. I'd definitely make that a charity machine, but it could work and be appreciated. It's the perfect place to have a machine that could help sooth a child. But I wouldn't go so far as a capsule machine with Sticky Hands or anything.

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with skelleton dolls in it? :lol:

You've got to be more practical if you're dealing with a location like this. Consider your audience. And if you're going do something other than candy then I'd put in a 2" Voodoo Doll machine. Then the family can get revenge on someone and feel better in their time of grief. Always think of your customers' needs. (Don't forget to put a few pins in each cap.)

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You've got to be more practical if you're dealing with a location like this. Consider your audience. And if you're going do something other than candy then I'd put in a 2" Voodoo Doll machine. Then the family can get revenge on someone and feel better in their time of grief. Always think of your customers' needs. (Don't forget to put a few pins in each cap.)

LOL....How about an old snack machine with the wood grain front....that looks antique. Might even generate new business for the place with the right selections..

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Interesting timing on this thread. I just heard about recent legislation in the Massachusetts house that seeks to lift the ban on food in funeral homes.


Time to put in a cold food/frozen machine, snack, soda, OCS, and a microwave! If you're really savvy, convince them they need an OreIda french fry vending machine too.

Better hurry though, Subway may see this as the opportunity of a lifetime to put franchises into unique places.

i was also thinking that one of those antique popcorn carts would do well. You'd just have to pop before the funeral gets under way.

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Time to put in a cold food/frozen machine, snack, soda, OCS, and a microwave! If you're really savvy, convince them they need an OreIda french fry vending machine too.

Better hurry though, Subway may see this as the opportunity of a lifetime to put franchises into unique places.

i was also thinking that one of those antique popcorn carts would do well. You'd just have to pop before the funeral gets under way.

Just do the popcorn at a gangbangers funeral. I could see everyone diving under the seats when the popping starts.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife is the GM at a funeral home and under no terms would a bulk machine make its way into her place. The kitchen is all high-end GE Monogram.

She gives away minis and other assorted candies, no charge. The idea of someone wanting to put a biz-op machine in the foyer outside her chapel gave her the "chills".

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The idea of someone wanting to put a biz-op machine in the foyer outside her chapel gave her the "chills".

I don't think I'll ever understand why people are so freaked out by the notion of death. We will all do it and when it's my turn, there better be a whole room full of vending machines there! laugh.gif

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