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Squishies Price-Point?

West Coast Vend LLC

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I may be getting ready to expand my business to Northern California and have sold millions of Squishie's at 25 cents in Southern California. I am planning to change my price-point to 50 cents in this new group of accounts and was wondering if anyone on the forum sells them for .50 and how do they do. I am talking about the 1" round capsules from Brand Vending.

Any information would be helpful.

Thank you.


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I may be getting ready to expand my business to Northern California and have sold millions of Squishie's at 25 cents in Southern California. I am planning to change my price-point to 50 cents in this new group of accounts and was wondering if anyone on the forum sells them for .50 and how do they do. I am talking about the 1" round capsules from Brand Vending.

Any information would be helpful.

Thank you.


If it was me I would start out at 50 cents; you can always go back to 25 cents if they do not sell. I would only do this in new locations; I am going to try and go to 50 cents at a 25 cent location and will let you know how it goes. I understand you only have to sell half as many; however I don't want to just gross the same amount on the pull; the purpose of raising to 50 cents is to make more money so it's a fine line.

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I have a stand set up to sell candy at .25 and bouncy balls at .50

If you sell this item for .25 cents you are looking at 32-35% COG's or more after shipping charges. If I place one at .50 cents and have poor results I would try a different product, I would not switch to a quarter. Only thing I intend (sometimes forced to by lack of mech's) to sell for a quarter is GB and BB's and some vendors are already selling BB for .50.

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I've been selling mini malz at .50 and the mania product is just as good if not better. Got some jungle, sea 2, and barnyard in the other day, will be putting it out this coming week at .50. The only thing I'm vending at .25 is candy, gumballs, and the rest of my 27mm bouncy balls, after the 27's are gone will do 32's at .50 from now on.

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1" $0.50 and 2" $0.75 - $1.00..here in Michigan Squish moves very well..I'm not to happy with the idea of Brand selling to the retailers..last invoice I received from Brand stated they were only selling to bulk vendors..Party store near me sells the 2" for $0.50..I just got the new Swamp series and put them out on the street last week.

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For those that have good luck with the Brand Squishies, what type of location are they selling well in? I put a machine in an ice cream shop & at a flea market. I thought both spots would have lots of kids that would be interested. The machine barely did anything while the other mix machine next to it did a lot of vends. What kinds of locations have worked for you?

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First of all he is not expanding to Northern California. Being from the East Coast he really hasn't an idea on how big California is! Two counties north of the SD County is not N Cal! Lol, sorry Gary I had to bust your chops on that one.

It's nice to see people are selling the 1" at .50. I'm making some switches as well.

I too had a hard time selling the "mania" sqwishys at first. I found that the lower the income of the area the worse the sales of them and the inverse is true. So find better income areas and of course where kids are. In the right location they are kind of like crack for kids!

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I second that. Sqwishland seems to be a Caucasian middle class (or higher) phenomenon. It will usually blow out at a quarter in those areas and will do well at 50 cents in those areas as well. Sqwishland seems to be a form of currency or even a status symbol with those kids in those schools. 50 cents doesn’t work well in the other demographic areas and 25 cents will be choppy. May even want to consider watering it down if selling for just a quarter.

I also only do a “mega mix” of all six products in a single globe to create a nice large selection that the kids seem to like. It clearly has slowed down a bit, but it is still reasonably strong in the right demographic areas. Had a good 4 year run with that product.

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As Sterling posted, it is not Northern California, it is the LA area which is North of San Diego not Northern California. California is a huge state and I couldn't cover that kind of ground by myself. I can't go further South or I would be in Mexico. My plan is still in the works and waiting for final approval.

I will keep you all informed of my progress as it unfolds.


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Most of the vendors that we sell to are selling the 1" at 50 cents and the 2" at .75 cents - $1.00. It seems to me though that while it is still one of the best selling toys, the market is starting to die down a bit. Just what we have noticed on our end too.

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