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Just Starting - Need Advice


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Hey Everyone!

This is my first post here, and I've been following this site for nearly a month now. Honestly, I LOVE this site. I find myself checking this forum quite often when I should be studying laugh.gif

At first I thought I wanted to do full-line vending, but after researching both bulk and full line, I think bulk would work best for me since I'm a college student with two jobs. I need some way to make some kind of passive income.

Originally, I was thinking of buying new doubles from Sam's club, and I was looking at the NW Super 60. Since I plan to be in it for the long run, I figured it would be a good machine to start with. However, due to my limited capital, I would expand VERY slowly if I continue to buy the Super 60's. What are good used machines to buy that will last a while? From what I've read so far on the boards, I should stay away from U-turns and Venstar 3000's right? Or should I just stick with buying new (and expensive) machines?

Also, I was planning on using 100% candy, but I heard it's better to use toys, gumballs, and BB since they last ALOT longer. What percentage of your route is candy?

Lastly, what site/location do you go to buy your candy/toys/BB?

Sorry if it seems like I have a lot of questions. I just wanted to know as much as I can before starting this venture. Being a college student, I don't have much money to play with, so I want to make sure I make the best possible choices cheesy.gif



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My opinions differ from most people on this forum. I recommend going with the NW S60 machines at the expense of expediting rapid growth. I recommend investing in quality first and foremost. It will save you money in the long-run.

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That's true. Do you guys run a commission based business or charity?

And are there any other mandatory start-up costs involved? (Business license, insurance, etc)

Also, I am in california, and I've been reading there's no tax for anything sold at 25 cents or lower grin.gif

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Hey Everyone!

Originally, I was thinking of buying new doubles from Sam's club, and I was looking at the NW Super 60. Since I plan to be in it for the long run, I figured it would be a good machine to start with. However, due to my limited capital, I would expand VERY slowly if I continue to buy the Super 60's. What are good used machines to buy that will last a while? From what I've read so far on the boards, I should stay away from U-turns and Venstar 3000's right? Or should I just stick with buying new (and expensive) machines?

Also, I was planning on using 100% candy, but I heard it's better to use toys, gumballs, and BB since they last ALOT longer. What percentage of your route is candy?

Lastly, what site/location do you go to buy your candy/toys/BB?



1st of all welcome to the forums and yes this site can be addicting, after you have reached 20 post you will be able to see other areas of the forum.

buying new from sams is a good start, I will give you the direct site to nw too.

yes, I would stay away from the u-turns and vendstars, maybe a vendstar but dont pay over 20 to 25 for one.

good machines are northwestern, oak, A&A and Beaver, A&A makes copies of the oak and nw machines at reasonable prices.

it's ok to vend candy but I wouldnt get to heavy into it, one problem with the vendstar is all you can vend is candy

just starting out I would vend gumballs for sure and maybe bb's and some type of candy

I wouldnt buy triple machines because alot of locations dont need 3 items, plus it's more expensive to stock.

I would configure my stands to be either a single, double or triple, buy the plates to make the doubles and triples.

here are some good vending sites to get you started:





I hope this info helps, send me a pm or im if I can ever help, these are just my personal opinions on one way of starting out, maybe some other vendors will offer more advice.

good luck

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Thanks for the links will.vend. They helped out alot. I think I'll stick to NW and AA. Also, I'm thinking of just doing gumballs and 1" capsules to start. I'll place my first order on Monday to get these machines on the way to my house

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That's true. Do you guys run a commission based business or charity?

And are there any other mandatory start-up costs involved? (Business license, insurance, etc)

Also, I am in california, and I've been reading there's no tax for anything sold at 25 cents or lower grin.gif

Oak is in california, they make a good machine. maybe you consider them.

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If your doing giumballs or 1" I would go with OAK. Same wheel set up. With the NW you'll have to buy 2 different wheels.

I have to admit that it's been much easier dealing w/ my Oaks and only having to worry about risers than my NWs and the different wheels, of course this is really pertinent to me for used, since I usually have to get the right wheel after the fact for my NWs. If I bought new, I'd just get a NW w/ a capsule wheel and a riser. I just like Oaks simplicity.

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