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Purchased New Machines


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I now have two brand new single Gumball Super 60's in my garage. I did not want to buy new, but there are no more quality used machines on Craig's List. I even looked on Ebay and I usually do not use Ebay. I figure if I am ever going to get as big as you all, I will have to bite the bullet and buy new machines. I am still searching Craig's List 4 to 6 times per day for used machines. I will buy used when I can, but I am not going to let this issue slow me down. I will place at least 3 machines per month regardless of whether or not I can buy used machines.

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Good luck getting them out. As you grow you will come to see that new is the way to go. You can build your entire route with the machines you want when buying new. Stream line parts on hand. Have colors you want, locks coded alike and showing up with nice new machines is a great way to open the door to locations with so much junk out there.

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