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Seasonal Plush


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This is my first major Holiday with plush. Should I even buy seasonal? How long should I run it? I hate to hold on to the left overs for a year, What do you think of the AA jumbo Christmas plush. 2.15 adv. I have dollar per play.

Depends a lot on your customers, and how many games you plan on using them in.

You want the customer to stop, look, and then play. Do you think that the Xmas themed plush will attract their attention? If they see it, will they be willing to play to win it?

Are the items already in the machine plush as well? I'd be careful constantly using plush in the same games if the location is comprised mainly of customers. Even if the plush changes slightly (New characters, etc) as many of the regulars will not even notice. Change needs to be noticeable.

If you have several games out there you may want to buy some and spread them out. (Like a mix...20% Xmas 80% normal or something to that effect) - If you do this they need to be roughly the same size / weight as the rest of your prizes, or else it will throw your ratio off -

(A santa, elf, snowman, or reindeer I would place at the front of the game against the glass, looking out at the customer. These are easily recognized at Xmas, more so than a dog with an Xmas hat on)

I'm not a big proponent of buying seasonal items to fill the ENTIRE crane by themselves. For the reason you mentioned...I don't want to have these things for another year.

IF your in a location that has a redemption counter or something though, you may want to see if they will sell the rest off for tickets as the season draws to a close...they can pay you at cost for the items and then you don't lose out on anything.

If you do get it, start running it very soon. End of Nov or so I'd say. Really depends on how much you end up getting - as inventory will need to move accordingly.

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