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What is the average number of locations that can be serviced in a day?


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Well it obviously depends on the variables involved. Hor far away is the route? how close are the locations? smooth collections without having to make repairs.

I have one route that is down main street in my town that I can collect 20 machines in 4 hours. The locations are all close though.

I also have another route that is 40 minutes away, 14 machines, It takes me all day.

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I do about 25 per day. It could take longer if you count money at every account or if you have to refill candy or if a machine is jammed. It will also depend on when your first account opens and when your last account closes. How many hours you want to work in a day will help give you a better idea.

Here are thing you could do to speed up your day and add more account coverage to your day.

  • Build a route book using google maps or a regular map to find the shortest route between accounts. This will also save gas.
  • Go to the accounts that open the earliest first so that you don't waste time waiting to start.
  • Bring in cleaning rages and cleaning products, coin counter, pen & route book in with you on your first trip. This will cut down on your trips back and forth to the car.
  • Use a counting scale or counting machine instead of counting each quarter by hand. It is amazing how much time you save with a counter.
  • Talk to the owner/manager but don't talk to much or stay to long.
These are some ways and I am sure there are many more...


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Those are some good tips, Gary, but I would like to caution everyone about the dangers of #3.

If you count the money first, bring it out to your vehicle and then go back to fill, repair and clean you increase the risk that someone is going to break into your vehicle. As a matter of fact nearly every vehicle break-in my company has experienced is a result of breaking company policy.

Policy being:

1.Go in (emptyhanded, except for pen and paper) first and do your best to figure out EVERYTHING that you are going to need.

2.Get everything you need.\

3. Bring everything back to vehicle.

We had a break-in this month where the driver did all of the above but then after throwing everything in the van, he walked a block away to eat lunch. So I guess I need to add that to the policy. Either eat lunch first or drive away and eat somewhere else.

People are watching you, be careful.

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What I do is have a route book in my SUV. I got one of those cloth covered ones with a zipper that have folders and a binder on each side. I have my route pages laid out in the order I hit them. When I get a new stop I enter all the info on the top of each page so I have a contact name, number and store hours handy. On each one is columns with the type of candy and ammount I collect each time. Before I go in each stop I place whatever candy I need to fill them in a backpack to carry in. I run singles, doubles and triples so I have ziplock bag packs for each stop. A zipper ziplock gallon bag with 3 smaller quart bags marked A, B and C on them for each slot. Then I just dump the quarters in each bag and all goes in the main bag that has a number on it that goes with the stop on the route sheet. Then when I get home I can enter the ammount on each sheet and not worry about getting broken into. I keep everything I need in the backpack from extra dixie cups, screwdriver, extra lables and baby wipes to wipe down the machine.

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