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Trials and Tribulations of a Full Time Full Line Vendor

Entries in this blog

Diversifying the Business

Our vending business is going well. We are gradually adding new locations as we find them, but now my dear husband has the desire to open a food truck. He is a great cook, and when he gets together with his friends, they cook for three days straight, and eat all weekend. So, the first weekend in June, we are running an experiment. We've planned a great menu for a cookout at Wind Rock, a four wheeling convention in East Tennessee, that will hopefully make us some money, but more importantly



This Wasn't What I Planned for My Life

When I lost my job last summer, I knew it was coming. My whole company knew that 90% of us would lose our jobs about 2 years before it actually happened. Such is the life of corporate buyouts. We originally purchased a vending route for me to have something to do while I was looking for a new job. Vending was not what I saw myself doing with my life. I was almost finished with my bachelor's degree in Organizational Management, had experience supervising over 60 people in a call center, and sa



Expanded our Route

This has been a great week for Reed Co Vending. We have picked up 4 confirmed locations this week and hopefully will close a fifth tomorrow. If we were having to purchase these machines, I would be very scared about expanding this fast, but with our third party operator contract we have with Coke, they are providing the machines for us. The catch is we have to purchase our product from Coca Cola, and at a slightly higher price point than being able to purchase them in bulk at Sam's Club. B



The Catalog is Finished!

Anyone who knows me know that when I go for something, I go all out. This can be the bane of my existence sometimes, but today.... TODAY.... it has paid off. A lot of vendors make a big to-do about OCS. When I was researching getting into OCS, I thought back to my corporate days and how many different places we had to order from to get office supplies, coffee supplies, cleaning supplies, etc. So I thought why stop at office coffee? Now we have a full color catalog with almost 250 items



New Website

This week I concentrated on building and polishing the brand-spankin'-new website [url="http://reedcovending.com"]reedcovending.com[/url]. And for building it myself, it's not so bad. This step didn't make it into my list of things to do last week, but for some reason it stayed in the front of my mind until I finished it. That monster had been hanging over my head since I secured the domain back in August. I guess I was just scared of starting that project. Now, the pretty, shiny new webs



Growing the business

This year we are focusing on growing our full line business. In an attempt to do so, here are the steps we are taking to acheive this goal: 1. Utilizing Manta.com to identify businesses in our area that has the employee count we want to target. We will be focusing on companies that have employee counts from 100 to 250. While it would be wonderful to go after businesses bigger than that, in this area, the largest competitor has a pretty strong hold on the larger companies. Five Star Vending, l



Starting the New Year Right

Most of you don't know this yet, but when I get started in something, I have to jump into it whole-heartedly. Hence, a blog on a forum that I joined just a few days ago. But be that as it may, vending is something I take very seriously because it supports me, my husband, and my mother-in-law. Hopefully, it will soon support us in the style to which we would like to grow accustomed. This blog will provide me the opportunity to share some of the failures, and hopefully some of the successes



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