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  1. Does anybody have knowledge of these machines? I have a deal to buy five but I'm not sure how good they are. I want to know if I can take out product easily from each head. Thanks in advance for your help.
  2. Congrats! I also recently placed my first machine and it took me about 20 no's. But my first yes, led to 2 more. I placed my first machine at a concrete plant in their office. They have about 15-20 workers so I'm hoping it will do well. I went to two of their other plant locations and placed a machine at each. They have a few more that i'm going to try. Honestly, I was getting pretty frustrated before I landed these. It's given me more hope and motivation.
  3. mwinn33

    Pink PMM

    Last week I went to Sam's to stock up and found the Pink PMM for $4.41 for a 54 oz bag. That's less than 1/2 the cost of regular PMM for $9.14. I bought a bunch of bags and put them in several of my machines and placed a PMM label along with a "Susan G. Komen" label I found off the web. I hope that the Pink ones don't make a difference in sales. If not, I'm gonna buy as many of these bags as I can get my hands on. Is anybody else using the pink PMMs?
  4. I live in Texas and I agree. The economy is doing decent right now. Definitely not as bad as some parts of the country.
  5. Can you tell me what a "buzz bite" is? I've seen several references to this on the forum but do not know what you are talking about. Sorry, I'm a newbie.
  6. Tom, great response. Very helpful! How did you figure the dollar amount to sell in order to make $12.50 net?
  7. Can someone offer advice about how you make the decision to place a single, double or triple head at a location? Do you start with a single and if it does well, move up to a double? Or the other way around - start with a triple and move down? My thought when I started, which wasn't very long ago, was that triples are better since it gives more options. Even though one candy may not do very well, it will at least capture some customers who don't like the other 2 and make a sale rather than not. I'm not considering quads and 8s at this time so I'm leaving those out of the equation.
  8. Has anyone sold just the pink PMMs? If so, did the sales change? I can get the pink ones for about 5.60 a bag. I was thinking about just putting those in a machine and putting one of the pink ribbon labels on it to add an additional charity on top of NCCS that I do.
  9. Great idea, Darryl. I'm definitely interested in the labels if someone submits it.
  10. Do you put animal treats in the machine at the vet clinic? If so what do you put in it and where did you buy it? I thought about trying an animal place but didn't know what I should put there. And where is the machine at the nursing home located? in employee break room or in the lobby?
  11. Thanks, Beer for the idea about asking if they have a favorite. I'll try that next time.
  12. Thanks, blue. I just requested to be upgraded to PLUS status but haven't heard back yet. How do I know when I am a PLUS member?
  13. Can you let me know which one of your locations does the best? I know that there are many variables but I'm just curious about where other people place their machines that do really well.
  14. Wow! You can do all that in under 1 minute?! That's pretty amazing, Kyle.
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