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$1.00 Toy Vends?


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I was thinking that you could have a rack with say 4 or 6 - 2" capsule machines and in the middle or off to the side there would be a DBA that would take $1-$5 bills. It would be wired to each machine so you would only need one DBA for the rack system. It would be more expensive than what a regular machine costs but it would eliminate the need for quarters/change and you could easily ask for $1.


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it would be worth doing in the long run thats for sure.how would it work?the rack would have to be used only thru the change machine wouldn`t it?with an electrical motor turning the wheel of the super 80 getting a pulse from the change machine?it would have to over ride the coin mech imo.the gear from the coin mech could be used  on the electric

it may even be a cinch for some one with this type of know how and some spare time and machines.I like the idea of it.

just like most people have a couple 2-3 quarters in thier pocket they will probably have a dollar or two or maybe even a 5 every now and again.

if we all lived closer it coulda been a project of ours to build one maybe over a case of beer or two

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It's just one of those things that will come along one day and we will say, man, I which I would have followed through on that idea. I would be making millions now.

There would have to be a motor on each machine that turns the gears, one turn. You wouldn't need the handles on the machines just the chute and chute door. At the DBA there would have to be 4-6 buttons numbered for each machine. The person would put in their bill and press the number of the machine they want the item from. At that point the gears would turn on that machine and the product would be dispensed.

I personally don't have the know how. I will have to wait for it to be invented. With the price of everything going up, the vending business will have to increase their prices too. There really are items out there that people would pay a dollar or more for out of a toy capsule type vending machine. You can't sell rubber hands and paper tattoos but if you really have something that looks like it's worth it, they will pay...


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If we had $1,$2,$3 coins in the USA that would make it very easy for vending wouldn't it?

I am sure there are many, many toys out there that could fit in a 2" capsule and be sold for $1. Hey, there are 3" & 4" capsules too. That means you could have $2 & $3 toy capsules. I have 4" capsules in my Gravity Hill skill machine. The prizes are electronics'.


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Gary:I ordered 3 .75 cent coin mechs today.I would rather buy a mech then sell the bears at .50 cent.not to mention the spider man buildable I ordered too.although these I will try at 1.00 first then go to 75 if needed.

my competitors use these coin mech in most accounts.but only a few of the toys we talk about are seen in machines here.

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Have you tried Bendable Buddy's? Price-point $0.50 This is one of those items that really looks like it's worth it.

I have 6 cases that I haven't put out yet. I will be trying them in 8 of the 17 new 2" capsule machines I am adding to BBV this month.


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NO I haven`t done edable buddies,they dont have them at A and A.i DID END UP PUTTING 24 CASES ON BACK ORDER,WITH A LITTLE BIT OF Everything includeing beddable buddies.they said it wont be till middle of september or so before they will ship and by then I hope to be out of 2 inch caps or close.I also should have a couple more locations by then too.it may be a bunch of cases,but almost all these toys are new for my area or good sellers.

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I am in the process of going to mostly .75 vends on my 2" capsules as margins are forcing the issue.  For 1.1" I have stayed at .25 and mixed bouncy balls with the cheaper toys to stay somewhat profitable.  I'm going to go with selected 1.1" at .50 with some better quality toys. 

I have been sticking with more middle of road selections like sticky mixes and general mixes as I've found some that have been very consistent.  I bought a $1 item and had to spend $120 for the box and it sold horribly.   I've done much better not chasing the latest trend toy only to watch it drop off after 4 weeks.  Some of you can get it to work in your markets, I know, but for mine its not happening.  I don't have a huge number of racks, maybe 20 or so and I manage my product pretty well staying middle of the road.  Most of my machines are gumball and maybe 20% candy besides the racks.

Respectfully Submitted


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What you are saying is right-on. I am starting to stay away from the new items also. I stick with the old time favorites. I am doing $.75 in only 2 locations to try it out.  If I really think and have heard that a new item is selling, I may try it. But in small quanities first. One dollar product didn't work for me the first time around. I am going to try it again with NFL key chains for the first time. I will let you guys know how it goes. What did you pay $120 per case for? I have over 350 heads with 1" capsules so I pay a good price. I don't mind selling higher priced products. I have about 30 2" capsule machines and I am only putting about 3 maybe 4 different items in all of them. Thank you for your interesting post.


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I paid $130 (with shipping if I'm not mistaken) for the holographic keychains from LM Becker. Looked sharp - sold like swamp land in Florida. I usually don't miss it that bad - good to stay humble though I guess!


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