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1800 Triple chewy spree, cry baby guts 850 GB, and Bonz

Im trying to get away from the common mmp, mmplain, skittles, regular doubble bubble.

I do have toys in my racks and even some bouncy balls in my tripple's but not all locations need bouncy balls, i.e. the local service center or pub.

Thoughts any one ?

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I want to be unique, there is a vendor who is every where his machines are old, and out dated and he only carries sams shelf candy most of the time. I want to stand my ground when ever i get a place where he may be .

I'm a Newb, so sorry that I can't provide any insight here....But what's the reason why you're looking to turn away from those candies?

I'd highly appreciate your feedback,


Right, they do sell well, but if another vendor has them you cant sell them unless you want to split the take, also spree are loved by all my locations and they are not common, my few cry baby guts locations out sell the regular doubble buble and I had one vendor get booted because the staff preferred my cry baby guts to his double bubble plain 8.

i would stick with the common ones, easier to get, and they are popular for a reason, they sell good

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As a relative newcomer to the game, I do not have any real "long term" guidance to share. However, I too have had to go head-to-head with a rival who supplies the basics. In my experience, go with Wonka candy. Bottle Caps in particular. You may need to find a wholesaler to provide them in bulk, but I have yet to have a setup of Bottlecaps, Sweet-Tarts and Runts that hasn't been popular (and profitable). The biggest seller is the bottlecaps, as many parents recall bottlecaps from their childhood, and are will ing to "splurge" the quarter to reminisce. Really it all comes down to location- you may want to experiment a little to see what fits your clientele the best. I like the idea of sprees though, that sounds like an excellent product.

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At one time I wanted to get a variety of candy, and didn't want to pay the high prices for M&Ms, so I got a box of Sixlets. That was the worst mistake of my career. Nobody seems to like the off brand candies. Having said that, if you are having success with a particular candy, then go with it. One recommendation is that if you live in the hotter climes like I do (Houston, TX), then you will want to consider not selling melting chocolate candy in the hotter summer months. Stick with hard pan candy like sprees and runts, and save the chocolate for the colder winter months.

As a side note though, winter seems like summer in Houston these days. It's hitting over 70 degrees this month already.

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I’m confused as to why you chose the heading “Charity line up” when the discussion is candy?

I think you’re better off sticking with the more common candies. It’s great to be unique but I’d rather have money in my pocket. Those specialty candies and gum not only cost more, they don’t sell worth a flip because people are afraid to try a unknown product.

If you’re making the same or more on those specialty products, go for it. Eventually they will die off like the brand names. That’s what keeps you on top of your game. Trying to find that great seller at each location. ;)

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Bacho, I don t have an issue with what comes on the sams shelf, I have an issue when there is a vendor on site with me and we have the same product. You get a popular restaurant and they have a double with runts and mmp, what dou you offer, keep in mind all my charities have the 1800 triple in them

I’m confused as to why you chose the heading “Charity line up” when the discussion is candy?

I think you’re better off sticking with the more common candies. It’s great to be unique but I’d rather have money in my pocket. Those specialty candies and gum not only cost more, they don’t sell worth a flip because people are afraid to try a unknown product.

If you’re making the same or more on those specialty products, go for it. Eventually they will die off like the brand names. That’s what keeps you on top of your game. Trying to find that great seller at each location. wink.gif

It gets hot here but as hot as down south. I order in a box of bonz to throw off the competition, Ill se how well it goes. What I know is that most hav regular gum balls, mmp and hot tamales. I can either put in a different candy, split quarters or leave, and I aint leaving so...


At one time I wanted to get a variety of candy, and didn't want to pay the high prices for M&Ms, so I got a box of Sixlets. That was the worst mistake of my career. Nobody seems to like the off brand candies. Having said that, if you are having success with a particular candy, then go with it. One recommendation is that if you live in the hotter climes like I do (Houston, TX), then you will want to consider not selling melting chocolate candy in the hotter summer months. Stick with hard pan candy like sprees and runts, and save the chocolate for the colder winter months.

As a side note though, winter seems like summer in Houston these days. It's hitting over 70 degrees this month already.

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I’m not trying to tell you how to run your business. You run it the way you see fit. I’m only trying to save you spoilage of product. There’s plenty of popular products to substitute what another machine is selling.

If someone is vending PMMs, Skittles and gumballs at one spot, you can vend Plain M&Ms, Mike & Ike, Hot Tamales, Reese’s Pieces or jelly beans. That’s a list of 5 different popular brands you can use for your triple if the competition is vending what you want to.

I’m just trying to save you a headache and money. Believe me, I tried Polar Mints, Pucker Ups and Bonz. I ended up throwing away half a case of each because of the expiration date. They just don’t sell!

You can either listen to what I just said or just do what you want. It doesn’t matter to me one way or another. As I said in my other post, I’d rather have money in my pocket than try to be unique.

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I want to be unique, there is a vendor who is every where his machines are old, and out dated and he only carries sams shelf candy most of the time. I want to stand my ground when ever i get a place where he may be .

Right, they do sell well, but if another vendor has them you cant sell them unless you want to split the take, also spree are loved by all my locations and they are not common, my few cry baby guts locations out sell the regular doubble buble and I had one vendor get booted because the staff preferred my cry baby guts to his double bubble plain 8.

I would think that if you have nicer newer equipment people would buy from yours instead of the dirty old equipment. When I had my 1800's they outsold the dirty old equipment hands down every time.

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