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Setting up a 6 way rack.-Does Walmart have the right setup?


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I am setting up a few 6 way racks. I have noticed that walmart setups with the 9 ways with 2" toys on top and primarilly gumballs on the bottom.

I was going to set my 6 way racks up with 2" 2" capsule machines on top, 2 different flavor gumballs on bottom and a general mystery mix 1" toy on the bottom.

I ordered some spounge bob yo yo balls that I was going to vend for .50 cents and on the other side a general toy mix that i bought from a guy that was selling his route. I got the 2" general mix toys for .05 each.

As far as gumballs I was going to do the general sams 1" gum and fruit shakers on the other side.

Does this sound like a decent setup?

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If I were the bulk vending king for Walmart I would set up the rack as follows: 2 NB 30's 2" caps along with a Flat Pak sticker/tattoo on top and 4 Square Beavers on the bottom. The squares would have Mike n Ike, chewy spree, 850 ct gum and 1" toppers from cardinal. Always wondered how many weeks that set up would go. May have to run all NB's for capacity. The pull coin trays on the squares may fill up to fast. Good luck.

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I have learned over the years that the most profitable set up is. Two inch on top at .75 and smaller cabinet style like an oak or a pm supreme on bottom. If you have 3 on top you can put 5 cabinet style on bottom. All at .50 except for ONE gum. Pick good .25 toys and sell for .50 and good .50 and sell for .75. If you get AA units you can get custom colors for a buck more. The regular yoyo ball sell better than sponge bob and cheaper. Yoyo balls are heavy once you get the frieght bill that .50 idea will go out the window. Also when ordering toys always ask about flat displays they are about 2.50 cheaper.

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

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I have always noticed that the Walmart suppliers use the cheapest products they can buy. The reason for that is because they want to make money. Of cause they want to make something! Walmart demands very high commission, so what other way can you make money. I am sure they would rather sell brand name products but, have no other choice.



I am here: http://maps.google.com/maps?ll=33.021149,-117.113729

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