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self locating


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Neel Clark, an industry icon, gave me some great locating advise once. I had asked him how he was able to get so many locations in chicago, a very mature market. Neel told me that he hired housewives and retired people looking for part time cash. Neel said that they never lasted but each one he hired had a circle of businesses that they frequented. Being customers the biz owners often let them place a machine because they knew whatever the customer was being paid would probably be spent at that store. Neel, of course would come in and close the deal professionally with an agreement. Neel said he never paid over $10 for a location!!!

So, sign up a local group say like a Firemans Auxillary, get used but good single heads, hire locals cheap and go to it!

Neel was a class act and knew how grow this biz like no other.

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