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where is the best buy on peanut m&m's and reeces pieces?? been buying from Sams,but they have really gotten high :-[ ,also bleeps and smarties.. or tart candy.. also, anyone had trouble with indianmeal moths and thier larve flying around in your peanut m&m machine ?

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YES to moths! freakin pests! I bought 4 used 1-800s recently, 2 with moth infestations. very time consuming to clean everything. the other 2 machines probably got it too....

I think they are attracted to nuts and grain trail mix. Sadly, their eggs r microscopic so you don't know if you totally cleaned them out or not. I just gonna check every week.

The bulk of the moth larvae were hiding inside the coin mechs.

As for prevention, I taped up and plugged all holes.

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I did more research on the moth problem..found out thier called indianmeal moths and they lay thier eggs in peanuts,then the peanuts are used in peanut m&m's,later on,the larve hatch and you have a few what looks like maggots crawling around in your machine and then they turn into moths and are flying around in our machines, no wonder I could not fiqure out how they got into my machines,they were unhatched in the m&m bag before it was ever opened.. it has only happened a couple of times to me in only 3 machines,sadly I lost one great location over it, these are the few that do get past quality control at Mar's corp.. I would appriciate all the feed I can get on where to purchase my products other than sam's, Im in central florida,Im using single gumball/candy machines,some with bars for doubles and triples

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