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oaK 300/450 for sale 40 obo


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C'mon folks -- We're not new to this are we?!

If you want it for $28 or less, OFFER $28 or less.

If yours is the best offer onecent gets, he may choose to accept it.

So, if you want the machine -- make an offer.

If you don't want it, what do you care about the price?

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C'mon folks -- We're not new to this are we?!

If you want it for $28 or less, OFFER $28 or less.

If yours is the best offer onecent gets, he may choose to accept it.

So, if you want the machine -- make an offer.

If you don't want it, what do you care about the price?

Thank you , some one understands the meaning of or best offer (O.B.O)
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