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first pull @ 4 days


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so i got a complaint about my one location misvending. it has only been on location for 4 days.

pulled out $25.48. i was super happy and excited, but also realize it might be a novelty thing. we'll see. i'm already thinking about putting in another 1800 in there on a rack haha

i swapped out machines to fix the misvend issue.

the fix for the 1800 capsule misvend was...removing any bulky display within the canister and reducing the amount of vending products to 40% of max fill. tried it and went good for 100 out of 100 vends. no misvends, no stucks, no broken caps :) i hope this will last

other thoughts.........

the machine is kinda in direct sunlight and the mms are melting, leaving a white residue and sometimes sticking together :unsure: i think the customers enjoy the candies (mms and pmms) but i think i will switch to all toys to avoid pests, stale candy, melting. i reduced pmms to 4-5 from 5-6 and i feel stingy. i'm gonna change it back when i can...lol

do runts and skittles melt and leave a white sticky residue??

i was just wondering how do sticky hands/mix do in sunlight? do they become less sticky?

thanks for reading guys. i'm having fun with vending. researching and learning all this new stuff is fun, but cleaning suuuuuuuuuccccks!!!

i spend like a minimum of 5 hours per machine. blasting it with water, heat treating all metal parts, lubing. i'm glad it is only 4 machines.....haha...

also, if i pursue this, i think i'm gonna get new NW 60s and 80s. they seem to be the best if not one of the best.

i just hate misvends....

i'm assuming NW are great for capsules and won't misvend.

ok, off to clean some more....

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so i got a complaint about my one location misvending. it has only been on location for 4 days.

pulled out $25.48. i was super happy and excited, but also realize it might be a novelty thing. we'll see. i'm already thinking about putting in another 1800 in there on a rack haha

i swapped out machines to fix the misvend issue.

the fix for the 1800 capsule misvend was...removing any bulky display within the canister and reducing the amount of vending products to 40% of max fill. tried it and went good for 100 out of 100 vends. no misvends, no stucks, no broken caps :) i hope this will last

other thoughts.........

the machine is kinda in direct sunlight and the mms are melting, leaving a white residue and sometimes sticking together :unsure: i think the customers enjoy the candies (mms and pmms) but i think i will switch to all toys to avoid pests, stale candy, melting. i reduced pmms to 4-5 from 5-6 and i feel stingy. i'm gonna change it back when i can...lol

do runts and skittles melt and leave a white sticky residue??

i was just wondering how do sticky hands/mix do in sunlight? do they become less sticky?

thanks for reading guys. i'm having fun with vending. researching and learning all this new stuff is fun, but cleaning suuuuuuuuuccccks!!!

i spend like a minimum of 5 hours per machine. blasting it with water, heat treating all metal parts, lubing. i'm glad it is only 4 machines.....haha...

also, if i pursue this, i think i'm gonna get new NW 60s and 80s. they seem to be the best if not one of the best.

i just hate misvends....

i'm assuming NW are great for capsules and won't misvend.

ok, off to clean some more....

Don't you have a sunshield on that 1800. They come with them. I would try and move that machine away from the sunlight. If you think what is happening now with your candy just wait til its 100 degrees out. Runts will not melt. They are if not the sturdiest candy available. Skittles will eventually melt. If they melt you will have a wonderful time cleaning out the cannister and wherever else the candy melts on.

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thanks treadmill, i will look into getting runts then. it does come with a sunshield, but it is also black haha i wonder why they didn't make it silver or white to reduce heat absorption. maybe i should paint it...hmmm

sadly the shield only protects the back and not the sides as well.

man, i can't imagine 100* weather....it will be like chocolate fondue vending haha

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I don't know what part of the country you live in but chocolate and heat do not mix well. Matter of fact pmm in extreme heat will crack and the chocolate over time will turn into a powder just like chocolate powder you put in milk to make chocolate milk. Reg. mms will just crack and turn white ( that is because the candy has sweated from the heat). You will then need to replace candy because it is not appaling to the eye.

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To avoid this issue in the machines I have in near or direct sunlight, I use Mike and Ike's, Runts, and Skittles. The machines get hot, but the candy won't melt. I have never had Skittles melt on me, and I've run Skittles on 110 degree days, but I might just be lucky. Another alternative is to get proprietary candy from a company like A&A, which sells all sorts of candy with the same runts formula. However, if your heart and customers are set on M&M's, repaint your sun shield with some Krylon Silver spray paint. It's incredibly durable, and wonderfully reflective. At about $3.00 a can, it won't break the bank either. Good luck JimmyT!

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i was getting broken caps so i took out the bulky display case of the product. and i think the spring mechanism, the agitator couldn't handle the load, it kept getting caught so i reduced the amount of products to 40% maximum fill.

i think from now on i'll just print out a pic of the display product and tape it on the inside

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i was getting broken caps so i took out the bulky display case of the product. and i think the spring mechanism, the agitator couldn't handle the load, it kept getting caught so i reduced the amount of products to 40% maximum fill.

i think from now on i'll just print out a pic of the display product and tape it on the inside

Good plan! Keep us posted!

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