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Is this a good deal 9 Lypc machines w/stands for $500


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we have 3 doubles with the cashboxes in the front and love em . we dont have alot of experience , but no trouble so far .At that price ,im not sure how anyone could go wrong unless they just flat out didnt work . The stands look familiar though...2 inch , very soft cast iron . be ready to break out a die grinder and alot of jb weld to make em stable . hope that helps a little ;D

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I have some of these that I got a good deal on. After reading on here I knew going in that they might not be long term investments. But, with that said I have two out right now and they are working and getting me going in the right direction. Two others will be going out this weekend, if all goes well. My vote is get a good deal and work em till the quarters pile up then you can decide what to do next when you need more machines. Well at least that's my plan. If I can get my machines to work for awhile the ROI will be really good. Good luck.

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