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more treasure chest crane problems!


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OK , so I had the crane working correctly in my storage. Put it in the truck and moved it back to the garage for final cleaning and preparation to get ready for location this week.

Plugged it in and tested, and the claw dropped and would not reel back in, i could hear the switch clicking when i pulled on the claw string but it would not reel back into the gantry. I power cycled the crane numerous times...nothing. I unplugged the jamma connectors to the control board and cleaned them with canned air, and re-seated them...nothing.

I left the unit for 24hrs off, turned it back on and it reeled right back in.

This is the 2nd time this hass happened. I am thinking its some loose connection issue but I cant figure why it starts working after being left off for a while. I am concerned putting this on location could end badly if its not working reliably.

i called united textiles but i just got a voicemail, they seem to have only oone or two technicians (same with smart) so maybe they will call me back maybe they wont. smart never returns my calls.

Any help greatly appreciated!

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ok i think i got this figured out, its possible the crane "up" switch gets stuck now and then, sprayed some silicon in there hopefully it resolves it.

united did end up calling me back they had no idea, speculated it was possibly a motherboard issue. oddly they do not have a manual for these cranes. they said the designer retired to israel and they cant get in touch with him. evidently he took all the schematics with him and they never thought to save a copy of the manual.

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the switch to replace it is



its $4.30 and they do wear and break on those cranes due to full speed impacts

their might be a bend crack in the metal rod you cant see i had one that would not stop going left... looking the switch seemed fine till i pulled

a bit and the metal snapped off like a twig

so i usually just order 6 and replace them all in 1 shot


I swear somewhere i have the manual for that crane somewhere

ill search the garage for it tomorrow

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so i usually just order 6 and replace them all in 1 shot

good idea! thanks.

if you find the manual let me know having a schematic would be nice also i havent got any idea what the dip switches do lol

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