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In person locator interview today.. Help


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I've put a ad for an in person locator for the sacramento area.. I had a few call about the job.. And one that I like so far.. He has a background in bulk vending and ran his own route a few years back... I want to use him for higher volume accounts like grocery store... Goodwill ect. If you were interviewing a locator what questions would u ask what price would you offer... I told him 75$ to place a 5way or higher rack and the three ways for 50.. Do u think this would be a fare price... I want to grow my business a little faster than I am able to now with both of us working our day job... We do most of our own locating.. Any input would help.. The interview is at 430 today... Ca time..

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Do not come to any agreements or agree to any deals without it being specifically put down on paper and signed by all parties involved.

Any business deal with no binding document to back it up can blow up in your face no matter how nice and friendly negotiations may seem.

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Ya have rule #1.finish have written down what the expectations are what the price point is for each machine and what type of location were looking for.. that all location must be approved before payment.. And that he is private contractor providing a service for us.. This is a little different than hiring an employee to make tacos... So I know I hav to be careful not to break any laws..

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would ride along at first to make sure you have some idea of how he is representing your company. any locator is interested first and foremost about getting the commission and nothing else. they dont care if its a crap location with other vending or 2 employees or what ever. sales people lie to customers all the time, especially when they are on straight commission. the fronter i use says some pretty outlandish stuff sometimes to get appointments, and he knows hes being taped.

if your trying to use this person for longer sales-cycle stuff with a lot of follow ups and so on $75/location aint gonna cut it. nobody is gonna bust their golpher working on an acct for days or weeks for $75.00, if you just want to use him as a fronter to get you the appts $75 for a big acct is probably fair.

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