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Honor Box- How to get started?


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HELP!! Newbie to vending machines and I want to start small with one honor box. I need advise what type of business would let me put it in their location and how to go about that, Do I just go in and say can I put my honor box here or should I make them sign a contract? Also who much money could I excpect monthly? Dont mean to sound crazy or something but dont know apple suace about this.

More on the business side what kinda of business licence/permit do I need (if any). And do I have to pay taxes on this, and how do I do that (BOO taxes :( )

Thanks in advance :)

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I don't deal with honor boxes, just bulk candy vending machines, but the process should be pretty similar. One of my locations is a Chinese restaurant and the owner has an honor box there with peppermint patties, it does very well! Try peppermint patties, they're cheap, sell well to all age groups and stay fresh for a good amount of time. I use a locator to find locations for my machines, but I've placed some myself too. Kickstartlocations.com and locatorsrus.biz will locate them, but it's not cheap. Agree to donate a percentage of the sales to a charity and you should be fine (I donate 10% of my total sales). I don't have my clients sign a contract. Don't make it a big deal for them or else they will likely think it's too much of a liability to them and possibly turn you down. There aren't a lot of ethical people out there, so with honor boxes, don't expect that you'll be paid for every single product. You can approach business owners and managers simply by being friendly and personable by stating who you are, that you are looking to place these honor boxes in their business, which will generate money to be donated to _________(charity). Expect to hear a lot of no's. People may say they don't have room or they simply are not interested. Always smile thank them for their time. Once you get your first location, place a sticker on it with your name and number and charity. People will be drawn towards the fact that they are supporting your charity. Provide excellent service to your clients, as they are doing you a favor of allowing your box in their venue, with no benefit to them, so keep it supplied with product and clean. Once you get a few out there, it'll be pretty straightforward. Also: theft can always occur. It's a cost of doing business; don't expect your clients to pay you for it! Take it as a loss and move on, even thought it doesn't exactly make your day! Let me know if you have any other questions, I'll do my best to help you out!

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Oh, about taxes, and business licenses...I live in Oregon, where there is no sales tax, so I don't, but every state is a little different. You need to check with your state to see about taxes, if it's only one little honor box, I honestly wouldn't worry about it, but you may still want to do some investigating yourself. I obtained a business registration with my state when I started it, but I had full intentions of making my business what it is today (29 locations, over 1 and half years). Again, 1 honor box, it's not really a business, it's more of just a hobby or a fundraiser. Good luck!

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