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I was wondering how you guys restock your honor boxes. Do you bring the product with you and see what's gone and then replace it? Or do you just swap it out with a full one every time. It just seems to me it would be a pain to have to carry all the products with you, at the same time, how do you know what has sold and what hasn't. So what if you are replacing a box with a box of the same stuff that might not be a good seller. Just looking for some insight

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swap the boxes, note what sells and what doesnt on your route sheet and deal with it next time

once you get the product home break down each box and remove the stales and any damaged items, the rest you can

"turn" for the next days service or the next cycle depending on how your route is set up.

after a month or so you will get the hang of what items sell and what items dont turn well, stuff like M&Ms,oreos,lance crackers , grandmas cookies, turn real good because they are not easily damaged and/or have opaque packages. stuff like honey buns and other pasteries doesnt turn well, it often comes back damaged or melted, same with chocolate, many times it will come back white because it melted and reconstitue i try not to put stuff like hershey or crunch bars because they tend to melt too easy

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