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Big Mike

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Kiwi, You may think you would love to play me this week but, as of next week, I get Megatron back so lets see who is lining up to play me then.    The cream will rise to the top by seasons end.  

If there is a God...... can he please.....


- tell someone to twist CJ ankle (I wish the Lion still had to play the Bengals because I am sure Vontaze could of helped out here)

- tell Eli to throw the ball to ODB instead of Randle

- tell Peyton to throw the ball to anyone except  DT

- tell someone to give Gordon some more dope to smoke




God - If you do all these things for me I promise to spend more time with the wife & less time on TVF   ;D  ;D  ;D

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If there is a God...... can he please.....


- tell someone to twist CJ ankle (I wish the Lion still had to play the Bengals because I am sure Vontaze could of helped out here)

- tell Eli to throw the ball to ODB instead of Randle

- tell Peyton to throw the ball to anyone except  DT

- tell someone to give Gordon some more dope to smoke




God - If you do all these things for me I promise to spend more time with the wife & less time on TVF   ;D  ;D  ;D


If there is a God...... can he please.....


- tell someone to twist CJ ankle (I wish the Lion still had to play the Bengals because I am sure Vontaze could of helped out here)

- tell Eli to throw the ball to ODB instead of Randle

- tell Peyton to throw the ball to anyone except  DT

- tell someone to give Gordon some more dope to smoke




God - If you do all these things for me I promise to spend more time with the wife & less time on TVF   ;D  ;D  ;D

You seem to be getting a pretty good handle of how this game works - maybe you really are a ringer  ;D  ;D  ;D   I wouldn't worry too much about D. Thomas this week as he'll be blanketed by Revis the whole game - he'll be lucky to put up ten points.  If I were you I'd be much more concerned about the return of A.J. Green - apparently Mohammed didn't manage to step on that sore toe after all  ;D

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Nah... it was AJ but not the one that ends in Green!


Am I asking to much to expect a player like CJ or the real AJ for my Jimmy?

We need to make sure that the King remains in TE purgatory - don't trade Jimmy for anybody.

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You seem to be getting a pretty good handle of how this game works - maybe you really are a ringer  ;D  ;D  ;D  

I am definitely not a ringer but there are similarities between NFL & NRL (the game I was brought up on)


You have 4 downs to go 10 yards - we have 6 tackles to score a try

You kick on the 3rd down - we kick on the 5th tackle

You have WR's - we have wingers

You have RB's - we have props

You have a QB - we have a halfback 


The only deference is... our boys are a bit tougher than your boys... we don't need pads & helmets!  ;D

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My cup runneth over with adequate WR help.  I am looking for someone interested in a Ruben Randle, Mike Evans, Greg Jennings type perhaps paired with a RB for an upgrade at RB.  Those WRs mentioned have averaged between 12 and 19 points each over the last 3 games.   Send all offers to the royal post.

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offer has been countered.  just curious do you look at other teams rosters to verify their needs before offering trade? would take jeffrey or gordon to get forsett.  or package cutler and forsett for johnson unless your rolling with tannehill.  any deal to include forte or ellington would have to include 2 of your top wrs. 

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   I did look at your team and thought you could have benefitted from someone akin to a Randle or Evans type and you had extra RBs that would not start on your team.  Clearly our valuations of certain players differ greatly but for anyone else out there:


I am offering WR2-3 quality players for a one week stop gap at RB.  Any RB looking good in week 10 for a Randle/Jennings/Evans caliber.  



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he should have been a politician, he thinks people gonna believe what ever he says just cause its him saying it.  he explained how one trade was best for both despite trade evaluator  giving him +22 and me even.   

I think he knows he's got to get something done before next week, my guess the offers will get better and better as time starts to run out.  only thing is the price for any of my guys gonna keep rising as the week wears on.

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Well, I may as well confess - I just sent him a trade offer for J.Thomas and Flacco for Calvin Johnson and Tannehill.  I figure it will break his heart losing Megatron.  ;D  ;D  ;D


We'll see just how bad he needs that TE and QB.

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