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Status so far and some questions


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Hello all, brand new to vending here.

I bought 2 XYZ EasyPro triples which arrived yesterday. My wife (who is really running the business) spent yesterday trying to locate some machines. She placed one and has two other businesses that were "definite maybes" that she will call back today. So, off to a good start, but a long way from our goal of 100 :)

That being said, I have some questions...

1) My brother in-law DJs part time at some local bars. He has gotten 6 of them to say they'll take a machine. These bars don't serve food so I think the machines would do well. Here are my Q...

   - How do machines in bars do generally? Anything we should be concerned about?

   - These bars are maybe a 30min drive from our house and we really aren't looking to build a route there (we live in the suburbs, the bars are in the city). In general, is this a good or bad thing to do?

2) For one of the machines we got, the "pipe" of the stand wasn't machined properly and the screws on one end were a little off. Unfortunately, I thought I could still use it and it is now pretty stuck in the machine "head". As far as I can tell, everything is secure...nothing moves on the machine at all. However, it is about 1/2" taller than the other machine because the "pipe" isn't fully screwed in at the top and bottom.

   - Am I just being paranoid about this or will this cause be problems? <-- real newbie Q here :)

Thanks all!


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Welcome Kevin, you're off to a good start.

My experience with bars is they either do great or lousy, with not much in between. If you have 6 locations lined up waiting for machines then start scouring Craigslist for some inexpensive equipment to place there and get the quarters flowing.

Many people new to the industry (myself included when I was new) spend a lot of time thinking about the equipment to use when in truth you can make money with just about anything as along as you get it cheap enough ( say $50 or less for a complete set up).

30 min away should not be a problem for 6 free locations. The first couple of months visit them every 30 days and try different products untill you find the good sellers, then depending on your machines capacity set them up on a 60 or 90 day service cycle.

It sounds like you've got the pipe cross-threaded, I would do a functional check to see if its going to fail by putting side to side and up and down pressure on it. If it holds then like my uncle used to say " if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

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Haha. I use to be the same way with my machines. I would service them every week to make sure the candy never got anymore then 1" from the top. I trashed the other vendors to business owners because they only serviced their accounts every few months. One said "You have been in here more then any of these other guys in a month, then they have in a year".

I have moved away from that. Point is, that you can get the 30min away locations. You don't have to service them but once every few months. Bars are great. Its up to you to decided what to vend, as each bar is different. If they request nuts, so NO, firmly. I mean, for 6 free spots, jump on it. Thats the only way you will you (because most don't get past the first 2 machines). You have got to build your route up to that 30min point. There will be more places in the city, that get great traffic.



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It does sound like you are off to a running start. If you can swing six of the DI or DI/Certs doubles then that might be worth looking into. They do fall into that target audience. Like others said if you can find some cheap off Craiglist then look at that as well. Every machine you add gets you closer to that 100. The more you place the more money that comes in. That in turn gets you more machines. Once you hit about 10 machines placed you will draw enough for a new machine each month.

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6 free locations is great, especially if they're close to each other.  Bars are also a plus.   I say try them out and see what happens.  As for the "taller" machine, if it's secure and going to move at all then there should not be a problem.  I had an XYZ that had the same problem.  It hasen't given me any trouble on location *knock on wood*.

Good luck and happy vending!

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Thanks much for the info all. While I have run my own business (computer consulting) for 12 years, it is still a little "scary" getting into something new. You guys have made me feel welcome and eased my fears.

Again, thanks.

p.s., welding is not an option :)

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As a previous poster mentioned, check for cross threading. This just happened to me also. Just undo the whole base and redo it, if it's hard to turn then it's off track.

As for bar's, I have 2-both dive bars. One does about $35 the other about $25. Unlike Kyle, I say nuts are the ticket. Yes, salt is a pain. And yes, some nuts are too expensive but plain peanuts are actually cheaper than peanut MM's. (you can check out the great PMM debate on the boards.

I wouldn't recommend getting 6 bars spread out all over town but if you can get them close together it is a definite go. Plus bars have extended hours so you can service them in the evening. Not all locations have that luxury.

Good luck, Beth

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I agree with peanuts, maybe not BBQ peanuts in Nevada but should work in Cleveland. If you are worried about the salt on equipment use plastic machines. They are much cheaper then PMM's and a side benefit to the bar would be to make people a little more thirsty. As for the threads of the bolt you can use locktite, almost as good as welding.

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I love my bars.  I have 5 of them nad I should get my 6th tomorrow. 

My bars are turning between $50-80 per month.  These can be gold mines.  My big sellers in the bars..PMM's, M&I, Pistachio's for the most part...Reese's and then there is one bar..that seems I could put anything in..and they would eat it..

Depending on the type of machine..I would discuss with the owner/bartender's about type of crowd..I have one bar owner who has weged the base of my machine under a video game..he worries the rowdy's will get drunk and try to dance with it..

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Vendiscuss is " da bomb diggity " !!

Johnny why have you not entered that in the "Slogan Hunt" contest?

Kevin, I just relized you are in Cleveland.  I'm around central Ohio.  I have some good info I'll PM you about the laws, etc.

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Come on Beth, your supposed to agree with me here! :P

I am wrong sometimes. My experience is that in the bars I have, nuts do not sale. I have more of a night club type places, where I sell Reese's pieces. If you have an "old fashioned" bar, nuts would seem to work. Those are far, and few in between in my area. Plus, when you pull the machine, it must be washed, more then once. And you still do not get the grease out!


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