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Newbie Question


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Hey guys.


I'm new to this forum and appreciate already all the good info that has been posted.


I'm looking to start repairing some of my validators instead of subbing them out. I have CoinCo Mag series validators and already have the module to update the software. My question is, is there anywhere to buy the diagnostic software for CoinCo that will allow calibration, sensor testing, etc? It is readily available for Mars / MEI. Just can't seem to find the one for CoinCo. 


Any info will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

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Welcome to the forums liljohn!


There is no diagnostic software or equipment for working on Coinco units available to anyone other than authorized Coinco distributors and I doubt you found anything for Mars other than old test equipment for old units, unless you found it on the black market/ebay/Craigslist.  Operators can purchase the new currency update modules, as you have found.  Is there a reason, since you are a newbie, that you feel you are better off repairing them yourself rather than sending them to authorized repair centers that have all the expertise and equipment to efficiently repair these units?  The costs for repairs or exchanges are very cost effective and always come with a warranty. 


If you are planning on being a vending operator and are just starting out, your time is better served in finding new accounts and placing machines, don't you think?

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What things would you advise newbies to tackle and what to walk away from? We struggle with trying to keep costs down, while trying to stick our nose into everything in hopes of learning as much as we can...then you add in limited hours in a day, it is hard to know if we are spending our time wisely.


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As mentioned, a new vendor is better off spending their time servicing their machines, finding new accounts and learning the business.  Use a local vending repair tech for your service needs as well as your machine moving needs.  You can also get parts or exchanges from someone like me, as many parts are easy to replace yourself, including coin mechs and bill validators.  If there is anything you need you can PM me with what it is and I can help you from a tech support standpoint or a parts standpoint.

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