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Dixie Narco Sii Multi Vend?


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Hey everyone,  I have a Dixie narco SII soda vending machine and I just updated the bill validator from a ba50 to a mag50.  The machine now takes the new 5$ bills.  the only problem I am having is when I make a purchase, it will refund 4$ in quarters instead of allowing me to choose another selection.  is there any way to change this?  Thanks in advanced 

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Hi speedbt89!  Welcome to the forums. 


You don't want to set your machine to multivend as that will be a total nuisance because then the coin return must be pressed for the change to be returned.  People don't buy more than one soda and they will freak out when their change isn't immediately returned.  You don't want unhappy customers beating on your machine or demanding refunds of their change because they don't know how to get it.


If you insist on turning on Multivend, then you need to tell us if this is an SII board or an SIID board.

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To turn Multivend on you will scroll through the programming menu to MV and enter it.  Now press button 1 to turn MV ON or button 2 to turn MV OFF.  Press 1 & 2 to move to the next menu item.  This will require anyone who doesn't want a second vend to press the c/r to get their change back.  If the button is not pressed then the change will be returned 5 minutes later.  When they use a $5 bill, they will always have to press the c/r for their change as they won't use all their credit, I'm sure.  Keep in mind that EVERYONE will have to press the c/r to get their change if you turn Multivend on -  see how this can become a PITA for them and you? 


Why don't you leave Multivend off and put in a 4 tube coin mech that has a dollar coin tube and keep it full of dollar coins?  Then they can use those dollar coins they receive as change in your machines again as all your mechs should be able to accept dollar coins already.

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I am looking through the program mode right now and I can't find any setting labeled mv. There is a con mode but that is just for escrow settings. The 1$ coin tube is a good idea. I just know with this spot that 9/10 times someone uses a 5 they will expect 5 drinks.

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You enter the svc mode then hold sel switch 1 & 2 together to move through the menus. When you see USER on the display press sel 1 to enter the sub menu. Now press 1 & 2 again until you get to MV.

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After I enter service mode I tried to hold 1&2 and nothing would happen. I entered in the password and tried the same thing in that menu and it didn't work. I know that when I press selection 1 it normally goes back to the previous menu. Selection 4 is normally enter.

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If this is by chance a Coke machine then the programming is off by one button because Coke always required their machines to be programmed differently.  If this is the case, you need to press 2 to scroll down through the menus and 3 to move up through the menus.  Button 4 will be the enter button. 


Unfortunately though, Coke did not include Multivend in their programming so you can not enable MV in a Coke version SIID board.  You might be able to change to a generic SIID board but then you will have to manually program the Space-to-Sales for the machine because Coke machines always have one less button than they have columns.  You can see that this is getting to the point of not being worthwhile to get this machine to multivend.  I think your best bet is to put a 4 or 5 tube mech in it and dispense dollar coins as change.  If this is a lease machine from Coke, then call them and have them put the coin mech in it for you.


To program everything else, you will enter the svc mode and press 2 to scroll down through all the non-password protected menus.  To enter the password protected menus you will scroll to PASS.  At the word PASS you will enter the code of 4, 2, 3, 1 and then press 4 to enter that code.  The display will then change to CASH and you can now scroll through the balance of the programming in the machine.

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