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Peanut M&M's


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Here is the situation. A 1-800 machine placed in a waiting room of an auto repair shop. It gets no sunlight and is in the AC. How long do think it would take for Peanut M&M's to crack open. Not just a few but most of them and not a hairline crack but more like popcorn. That particular canister is 2/3 full. In the middle is Pistachios also 2/3 and M&I at 1/3 full. This is not my machine but it got me to thinking. They don't remember it ever being serviced and I agree. I know none of use would ever let this happen but what would be your guess on how old they might be?

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Yea I thought it may have been there for awhile. They do have plenty of chocolate showing. Popped popcorn is the best way to decribe it I can think of. I wonder if they maybe turn off the AC on the weekend. There is a small window in the room but it faces north. I think it may be an abandoned machine then.

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Interesting.  If there is one machine there are others.  Slide a note in the cashbox with your # and say you're interested in his route.  He may service only a few times a year because he is getting tired of it.  He may want out and sell the route to you and 1800's are great machines.

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I went one better and took the service numbers off the machine. They are using the missing child charity and that kid may be an adult by now. The interesting part was there were two different numbers listed to call for service. I will call them on Fridy or Saturday to see what is up. The possible disturbing part is that there is a city permit sticker on the side but it was valid for 2006. You have to get a new one every year at $3 per machine in the city. So either they have decided to not buy the stickers anymore or it is really abandoned.

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In a perfect environment, with no sunlight and plenty of AC, you are still looking at Peanut M&Ms going bad in just a few months. They will crack in 9-12 months probably, but by then they'll taste horrible. The solution? Sample PMMs and make sure they taste good if they're on location more than 60 days. If you eat one per location you'll still stay skinny. =)

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Peanut m&m's are without a doubt, a great item for vending, however they are a very delicate product when it comes to high temperatures, direct sunlight & short shelf life compared to most of the other vendible products you can sell. Madisonclockco is correct about tasting them each time you collect. If they taste bad, get them out of your machine. The customers will never buy from your machine again if they get stale product. Even if they are cracked or melted or look like popcorn, they must be replaced.


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Ok I called the guy and he doesn't know when he last serviced it. He got the routed dumped on him from his son some time back. He wants to get out and has 9 used at his house in a shed. He wanted $75 and we settled on $70. I am going to go look at them and maybe buy one on Tuesday.

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They seem to be in good shape. I brought one home and have to go over it and clean it up a little more. He has 8 more in his shed plus some parts and extra canisters. He has about 35 on location but he does not keep records. He does want to get out of it and has tried to sell the route but people would not offer a good price to him. He said he was not going to give them away either. He listed them on a free local classified ad site yesterday after I called him for $75 each. After he sells the 8 from his shed he is going to start pulling them in and selling them off in smaller lots if he can. His wife is sick and he can't service the route, which we already gathered by the candy condition. His son dumped it on him about a year ago. I am not sure how many more to try and get. I am thinking of trying to get 4 for $200 from him if he will go for it. If not I may offer him $125 for 2 of them and some parts. If he has any good locations I may consider them but his memory does not seem sharp and with the questionable service it may not be worth it to buy any that are located. The good thing is there are only 2 different keys for the whole route. Most of the machines are the green ones but he has a few red ones if that makes any difference.

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  • 1 year later...

I have had peanut m&m's crack in a months time. What do I do about this problem? Making noprofit throwing out $6 dollars of cracked m&m's in less than 60 day in multiple locations. Also what is shelf life on basic bulk candies in the machines. How often do you just dump out the candies put in fresh candy, different lengths for different candies? Could someone help me with these questions. Any feed back on this would be great. Thanks Todd :o

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I would *GO FOR IT!* Try to buy some of his locations, as is. THEY PROBABLY HAVE A TON OF QUARTERS IN THEM!!!! I bought a very small route of 1-800's from a guy who wanted to get out of the biz, he just didn't have the time to service the machines. He was really nice and let me buy the route AND machines for $50 - TOTAL. Most of the places made me take the machine out because it hadn't been serviced in over a year, I tried to tell them that I would take better care of the route but they still threw me out. Long story short - one of the machines had about $220.00 in it!!! Another had $139.00!! These 1-800 machines are quarter magnets, so my advice is try to gradually buy his machines ON LOCATION!  He has 35 machines on location!!!:huh:?!!!:huh: WOW!

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I would *GO FOR IT!* Try to buy some of his locations, as is. THEY PROBABLY HAVE A TON OF QUARTERS IN THEM!!!! I bought a very small route of 1-800's from a guy who wanted to get out of the biz, he just didn't have the time to service the machines. He was really nice and let me buy the route AND machines for $50 - TOTAL. Most of the places made me take the machine out because it hadn't been serviced in over a year, I tried to tell them that I would take better care of the route but they still threw me out. Long story short - one of the machines had about $220.00 in it!!! Another had $139.00!! These 1-800 machines are quarter magnets, so my advice is try to gradually buy his machines ON LOCATION!  He has 35 machines on location!!!:huh:?!!!:huh: WOW!

Hey there Mettle!  FYI,  this post was started 2yrs. ago this month.  I don't know how many times I have replied or given suggestions only to find that it is a really old post.

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This thread is about as old as those PMM were. To any new people watching this -- PMM go bad quickly, I've opted to remove them from as many locations as I can. They sell reasonably well but given the cost of goods--and of wasted product or lost vends if they go stale, it just isn't worth it. I think this post may have helped me in reminding me to purge even more of the PMM selections from my route. Unless it does at least 15$/month in PMM alone, I'd rather stock something else.

To the OP (Beer was it? He's still around here isn't he?) How did this turn out? I would've bought the machines on location with the condition that if I went there and could not find a machine I didn't have to pay for it, but for each machine that was on location (even if they booted me instantly or had it in a closet) I'd happily pay 75$.

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As Eddie gets me new locations I go in and some time find machines empty that have been there a long time I always get the new and call to see whats up...One person has machines all over town and there # is not working anymore wish I could get all thouse machines..

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