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Service Checklist


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A couple of times I will drive out to a location, have the machine setup, and realize that I forgot to bring the candy.  Or I forgot something else that I needed like my paperwork or screwdriver.  So I made a checklist for me to review before I set out.  This helps me to have all the items I will need for that day.  Let me know if you have other items you bring.  Hope this is helpful.

- Paper work - brochure, contact number

- Machine head and stand (either to place or in case a located machine has issues)

- Candy

- Charity t-shirt or id badge

- Tool belt - screwdrivers, pen, keys, chain

- Cleaning spray bottle

- Cleaning rag or paper towels

- Big bowl (in case I need to empty the candy out to fix the machine)

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Good question! I am also interested in this subject!!   A commen list of what do you all bring???

A side question could be what do you use to bring your stuff while servicing? Boxes, buckets, some sort of  tool box? At one time I know alot of people were using buckets with those hang-on tool bags?  This might be a informative thread!:cool:

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Great topic guys. In addition to items you list here, be sure to check out the following thread. It is similar but was discussed quite some time ago. It would be interesting to compare the two and see if the core items remain the same. Pour a cup of coffee for this one as there are 101 replies on 6 pages!:shock:

This thread is located in the Vending 101 section. See tab at the top of the forums main page.

Servicing tips and practicalities.



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See the 4 drawer storage bin in the photo?  I have it bungie corded to a 2 wheeled hand cart.  I have towels and cleaning spray and gloves in the bottom drawer, product for the location in the 3rd drawer, product in the 2nd drawer, tools, labels, treats for the customers or managers, and keys in the top drawer.

Oh yeah and the top area serves as a table to place a head of a machine on instead of the floor as I service.  Or I use the top to place bags of product on while I service.

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<<I lucked out and spotted them at a dollar store. You know, one of those places where if you see something you like you'd better get it because it might not be there the next time!

They have nice screw tops with rubber gaskets to seal them. The label on them says...


"Aero housewares, Food storage canister #140" >>



   I found this in the above thread... I have done a web search for these with no results... can you post a pic or dimensions? I want to try finding something comparible! Thanks!:cool:

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I have a messenger bag, a la Jack Bauer I use when I service machines. :)   I bring at least two big money bags and some smaller ones, cleaner, the keys, a manual crank coin counter, and several terry cloths, a few cases of gum and a tub of mixed toys.  I keep a free emergency tool kit in my van I got when I opened a business bank account 2 years ago, it has all the tools I would need to fix something if the need arose.  Most importantly I have the list of locations printed out from Excel with room to write notes about collection, commission, etc on it so I can track mileage, expenses, and gross/net collections.

I also try to bring at least one double machine with me in case I run into a possible new location or to switch a machine, replace a part, etc.

When I service my route in Allentown, I bring more machines so i can upgrade and downgrade as needed, or pull machines since it is further away and not economical to drive an hour-plus for a service call.  I brought a 4-way and 2 doubles and a 50 cent toy on a stand to upgrade with.


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One day I hope to graduate to the cart idea but right now I don't have the volume of quarters that T Bird has. For my route I use a backpack like the kids use for school for all my goodies. I have a large plastic storage container that I put in the back of my SUV with all the candy in it. I bring the backpack in with me for servicing. In my pack I keep most of those things you listed ianhenry317. I do have a nice cloth 3 ring binder notebook with some plastic pockets and such that all closes up with a zipper. In that I keep all my route sheets, extra business cards, charity stickers, vend settings for my different machines, placement letters and service manuals for all my machines in case I have a problem & need to tear one appart. In the backpack I put my candy in the large back pocket area and have all my ziplock service packs in a smaller pocket. I use 3 small ziplock bags labeled A,B,C for each slot and those are in a quart ziplock bag with each stops name on it. That way I can dump the money and dump the candy quick. I don't count the money until I get home so I can enter all the values in my route book while sitting at the table in the AC. I call it my relax and roll time. All my keys are on a ring that clips on a ring attatched to the outside of the backpack. I also have a razor knife to open product, extra pen, Sharpie, tape, extra machine lock and extra candy labels. I find that the backpack comes in handy if I need to bring in a machine. It leaves my hands free and saves me a trip in.

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Very organized Ken!

I also used a large wide mouthed tool bag that can hold product, tools,labels, cleaner and rags, gloves, tape, coin bags, and extra parts if I need them. I use the bag if I have to go up and down stairs at a location.

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Just to add a few more..

Charity brochure or letter. Sometimes a manager/owner will confront you about the charity. It does't happen often, but you need to be prepared to defend your charity.

Spare coin mechs. They can jam or break or be clogged up with a slug.

Complete Tool Kit. Have every tool, bolts, nuts necessary to assemble/disassemble a machine. You never know when you will need to perform some major surgery at a location.

Spare Keys. Very important! Heard stories of vendors driving 100 miles and then realized they forgot their keys! I keep an extra set in the tool kit just in case.

Key Bracelets. I keep all keys on a set of bracelets for each machine manufacturor. Yea, I look like a janitor, but it is way to easy to forget those little keys and leave them in the machine when you are in a hurry.


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<<I lucked out and spotted them at a dollar store. You know, one of those places where if you see something you like you'd better get it because it might not be there the next time!

They have nice screw tops with rubber gaskets to seal them. The label on them says...


"Aero housewares, Food storage canister #140" >>



   I found this in the above thread... I have done a web search for these with no results... can you post a pic or dimensions? I want to try finding something comparible! Thanks!:cool:

Here you go Mike. Sorry it took so long.



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I have 3 ford e150 vans that i carry all my product and equipment in. In one van I have all my product for servicing my gum and toy routes. I normally have 3 of the big rubbermaid tubs loaded down with about 2,500 toys a piece in them 2 of them are preimum toys and the other one is a treasure chest mix (all of them 1.1 toys). Then I carry 5 boxes of 2" toys, a case of 27mm superballs, a case of 49mm superballs. In the back I have a my gum which normally consist of 9900 chicle, super sours, runts, skittles, m&ms, 850 assorted, etc. I have a tool bag that has every basic tool in it screw drivers, wrenches, tape, and markers. I have a utility shelf inside the van with several small rubbermaid shoe boxes that have parts to different types of machines. I keep extra quarter wrapers, ticket books, and product displays in it. Up front between the bucket seats I keep my electronic scales and boxes i place the MONEY in. I also keep cloth money bags to empty the boxes into. I have a computer stand which holds my laptop and GPS system. And of course the most important piece of equpment my XM radio reciever is on the dash. On of the other vans has all my condom macine equipment in it. I carry 150 gross of product a set of electronic scales, spare part box. In the side I have a large homemade rack that holds extra machine fronts and padlocks. The last van I use to deliver machines to locations as the need requires to deliver larger stands. I normally carry in my sclaes, cigar box, and rag into a location to work them. I will carry the globe outside if they need filling due to the large amount if different product i carry and use. Hope this is help to some of you.


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