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Screen resolution


What resolution do you use to view the board?  

  1. 1. What resolution do you use to view the board?

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Here is an informal poll to find out what resolution your screen is set at. I was at a buddy's house the other day and viewed the site in 800x600 res.

Please tell me that no one here actually surfs the board with that resolution! :D

I personally have mine set at 1280x1024. I dislike having to scroll in any direction but I really dislike having to scroll sideways to see a whole site most. (As must be done in 800x600)

I would like to use this information to make the site friendlier to whatever resolution is used most. If you don't know what resolution your using, just right click on your desktop, then click properties, then settings. (windows)



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Thanks Beer. I think you are fine at that res. Things probably look a bit more cramped than if you were using a higher res but you should not see any mis-alignments or the need to side scroll.


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  • 7 months later...
  • 3 months later...

After stumbling across this post I figured I would look at the forum with my high tech 800X480 screen netbook, I do need to scroll but it looks like it is because of the banner ads. If they would resize to 100% of screen or table I probably wouldn't need to scroll.

Looks better on the Blackberry then this resolution.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Steve:

You can track the display settings of typical users yourself or go to http://w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp to see what the world in general is using. As of January of this year, only 4% of users were at 800x600, 3% were unknown, leaving 93% at 1024x768 and above. If you use 1024x768 as your guide, you should be golden in most situations.




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