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  • 5 months later...

Was trying to post to this thread and ended up on a different thread! Oh well, I'll try here again

I quickly calculated my numbers today and I am at 42.64% gross profit (profit/sales).

This seems low to me.

I wonder if the wasted product is to high at 7.62% of my COG?

with that out of the equation, my gross would be 45.04%.

That still seems low to me.

Am I missing something here?

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Just finished our year end, using gross profit as a calculation of (revenue - cogs) our GOP% was 58%. Our net was 42%.


Some info behind the numbers: we don't have any employees and didn't factor in any $$ for my time.  Revenues of 165K on 13 active machines. I also did not take any inventory, just expensed all current inventory.  I have one large account on a 12.5% commission that has two machines that average approx. $4,500.00/mo in sales ($6500 in paid commission).   


Base Prices (revenue):

Sam's 1OZ chips (Doritos, Lays) - $.75/ea

Sam's Snacks (Cheezits, Gardettos) - $1.00/ea

Honey Buns (Sams) - $1.00/ea

Other Pastries (Big Texas) - $1.50/ea

Candy - $1.25/ea

16.9 oz water - $.75-1.00/ea

Monster - $2.50/ea

Soda 16.9oz - $1.50/ea

Soda 24oz - $2.25/ea

Soda 12oz - $.75/ea

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Nice post Paveitall very clear and good amount of detail. It is posts like these that really let you compare your business performance. Really helpful for newbies like me who have not done a full year yet.That is a very nice turnover for the amount of machines. Now if we can just get rid of the commission. Nah only joking , well done.

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