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DN 5591 refrigeration unit / screen


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I have a DN5591 I bought refurbished that is on location and was looking at the refrigeration unit for the first time closely today.


-Looks like I am missing the metal screen that covers the rear of unit, is this worth adding? Sits in office building with no access to back of it.


-The hose on the refrigeration unit, condensation hose I think, is moldy inside, how quickly does this happen? I also noticed a small amount of condensation in drip tray which I know is normal...


-My refrigeration unit says "expiration 2011 {see pic)" from the DN refurb center...but it has been working fine for 6 months...did someone just forget to replace this sticker? Should I take any action? I am not sure what the person did to it when they refurbished it and can't find out.


AZVendor-You have these parts?


See attached pic...I don't have a lot of experience with servicing these refrigeration units, my other machines are new.


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You're supposed to have a looped drain hose on this machine to keep water in the hose for an air break that keeps air out of the evaporator.  If yours is looped then you will be fine.  The "mold" you  see is probably just dust, dirt and moisture in the drain pan area.  This is perfectly normal in soda machines.  The date on your unit is just a warranty date from DN when they last refurbed the machine and has no bearing on how it's working now.  If it's cooling fine then you're good to go.  The rear vent screen is to keep hands, trash and rodents out of the cooling area and it's a good idea to have one on it. 


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I can't tell from your photo if you have a loop in it or not.  There is a bit of the hose visible on the left side and it looks like it's aligned with what's on the right side leading me to believe that it's a straight hose and not looped as it should be.  It also looks grey which means it could have come off of a standard DN stack vendor and someone just slapped it on there.  The normal Bevmax hose is opaque and see through so you can see the water in the loop and the hose is tied up so that it stays in a loop.  In fact, the top of the loop where the zip tie is usually is kinked or smashed, requiring another zip tie around the kink to open it up a bit.

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