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I NEVER give a product list because it is WAY to long. I just explain to them we carry name brand snacks like Frito Lay, Lance, Snider's , etc and can fill about any need. Also tell them you rotate snack selections based on sales and letting people try new product offerings so they will have a great variety. I will let a customer select some drinks but usually just tell them it will be a mix of Pepsi, and Coke products unless they have any specific request.



 Why would he need machine dimensions? Haven't you already seen his existing vending or location where he wants it? If so you should have taken measurements of the area including any door ways ways you will need to go through and any other issues like steps.  


He has two other  locations which I have not seen yet, so he was asking for dimensions, when I first visited I gave him Brochure but it did not include any dimensions as I never thought I needed to include them in the brochure.


I am a newbie just getting to know how to do things, and this forum has helped me a lot.

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In my experience people aren't as worried about price as they are service. Of course everyone wants the cheapest prices but in the end they would rather have fresh product and consistent service

We have had dozens of calls in the past couple of months from companies that are fed up with the service of their current vending company. We tell them our price up front and they want our service and don't care of the price.

My advice is give them your general price list and back it up with your service

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These are all good points but my question is what do you say when you get to have that conversation with the account manager and he/she wants to know your prices?  Where do you go from there without looking/sounding shady?  


In my experience, every time I make a sales call or run into someone who can potentially use my services, the first question they ask is about pricing.  My method of showing them up front a "price range" gives me wiggle room for commission paying ... I typically tell them "If you require a commission then the prices will be on the high end of the quotes, across the board.... meaning a 65 cent bag of chips will be 70 cents."


If an account is going to whittle me down over 5 or 10 cents per item, I'm not interested.  I want someone who values great service above all else because that's what I can offer.  Middle of the road pricing, top notch dependable service.


I am glad it has worked for you. I am not saying you cant land accounts doing that method but if you read my earlier post you will see where it has many disadvantages that can cost you in a couple ways. 


1. You may be lower than need be and cost yourself money because they wanted the other vendor out because of service. Lets say current vendor is .75 on regular size chips and you already committed to .65 because of your brochure yet they where wanting to kick them out because they had terrible service. Now you cost yourself .10 per bag ever sold at that account. 


2. You may be higher than the current vendor and not get a call back by the decision maker where you would get a chance to earn their business a different way such as better equipment, selection, etc. Let's say current vendor is at .55 on chips and you have .65 on your price range. You might not get a call back at all where you could have talked them into switching because you have a nice glass front sitting or you might even would meet their .55 price because you think the volume is good enough. However, you never got a chance to have those discussions because they didn't like your prices on your brochure and never called you back.


3. What happens if you have .65 to .85 depending on size but they are getting a commission of 10%. Now you are in a situation where you might not can honor the price because they are getting a commission from their current vendor. 


Its not a matter of being forthright. We are not hiding anything. Prices should fluctuate in a range based on each accounts needs and situation. This gives you the best opportunity to earn their business and maximize your profits. 

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